Sunday, August 1, 2010

A little time away....

Early last week we had dinner with our friends Jamie and Devin and their kids Maddie, Kendal and Kolbi. Kendal and Kolbi went to camp with Libby this summer and will be at school with her in the fall. This is their pool full of cuteness (Kendal, Libby, Kolbi and Peyton).

Libby and Kolbi

Peyton finds her own place to hide in my classroom. I've been taking the girls to my classroom one at a time to get a few things done here and there. I can accomplish more having only one of them, because there are so many new (to them) things to play with that my room provides endless entertainment. That is, if you don't have a sister standing next to you clamoring to have the same thing you are holding in your hand. Last week I managed to do some painting and get most of my things put away. Next up, bulletin boards and posters. I still have a long way to go, lots of hours to put in, and by the end of last week I was pretty overwhelmed by all of it. And by all of it, I mean all of it. Like:

Needing to accomplish tasks without interruption.
Having lots of interruptions.
Feeling bad for wanting no interruptions.
Not dealing well with being interrupted.
Having zero patience.
For anyone.

Holy, I see a pattern, Batman.

The truth is, I've already gone back to work. I just haven't gotten paid yet. But in lots of ways I'm no longer a stay-at-home mom. And I gotta tell ya, I have LOVED being a stay-at-home mom. I've loved lazy mornings to snuggle my girls without needing to rush off to school. I've loved fixing them hot breakfasts because I had all the time in the world to do so. I've loved the patience I've had for them, because there were little other demands on me. I've loved that I married a man who has worked his tail off to make these last few years possible. It's not been without its own stress, but it's been so worth it. I've said this before. I know it's not for everyone. But, it's definitely been for me. For us.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I won't love being a working mom, too. I've always loved my job. It's the perfect fit for me. And already we're off to a great start. My daycare situation is ideal and Libby loves her preschool. A few short years from now, my schedule will be their schedule. Did I mention that I'll get paid? Money? That'll feel good again. I have a great teaching partner. But, last week I had some real moments of wondering if I was up for this new adventure. Add to my anxiety four (out of five) nights of interrupted sleep which severely compromised my brains capacity to function. Did I mention I'm having a hard time with interruptions?

Well, please.

There are gaps in my memory of last week. I was a bit zombie-like, going about my days as though I had newborn twins. Last week my kids had the same sleep patterns as newborn twins. Okay, nobody needed to be fed in the middle of the night, but the volume of sound that a three-year-old can produce when she's told she needs to return to her own bed, more than makes up for an infant feeding.

We went camping with friends this weekend and when we got home yesterday I was uber productive. Laundry is done and I've started work on a few other projects. It's amazing how two solid night's sleep gave me my brain back. And would you look at this? It's hard for frustration to linger too long.....
Libby got into Shane's stash of latex gloves he uses for fishing. We call this little look "chicken feet".

Sweet moments with a favorite book

There is so much going on in our lives that are represented in this picture. In case it's not obvious to you, Peyton dressed herself. Her shirt is on backwards, and one of the leg holes of her shorts is around her waist. What this picture really represents though, is my child's stubborn independence. She wants to do everything herself. You name it. Get dressed, open her car door, squeeze the tube of toothpaste, pour her own water or drive a car. Whatever it is, she's not having any help. From anyone, but especially from me. This means we have to allow lots of extra time whenever we're doing anything. Remember how I'm short on patience lately? It's really hard to be returning to work (with all that entails) when Peyton needs so much of my time, patience, understanding, nurturing and help (whether she'll admit it or not) right now. She is so much like me. And when she'll finally surrender to accepting help (often after a full blown nuclear meltdown that ends in a puddle of tears and saliva on the floor), there's nothing better than the snuggle-fest that follows. In short, we're having to tread a bit gently with her and let her fail all on her own right now. Even when that means bumps, bruises and skinned knees. Or, when she's really mad, head-butting concrete. That's so hard to do. But in the words of our pediatrician Dr. Bradshaw, "She's not going to be anybody's doormat." And I think she's right.

After feeling overwhelmed last week, we decided to blow this popsicle stand and get out of town for the weekend. We headed up to Blue River Reservoir with Jamie and Devin and lots of friends of theirs. Here's our weekend in pictures....

Libby and Kolbi

Peyton, Kendal, Libby and Kolbi having breakfast.

Libby, Peyton and Kolbi play ladderball together. Jamie helped get them started. The balls kept swinging around and hitting them in the head.


Kendal roasting marshmallows.


Breakfast in the big pan.

Heading to the bridge to watch the big kids jump.

Libby and Daddy on the jet ski.

Jamie and Kolbi.

Peyton and Grunden napped together.

Grunden went after some ducks, but the mama duck chased him off.

Mike's boat pulled the kids and some (of us) adults on the tube. I don't have pictures, but y'know when your jaw hurts from laughing so hard? That was us.

Libby loved swimming right on the banks of our campsite.

My days are numbered.

1 comment:

amyanderson08 said...

Loved all the pictures except for the last one! Savor the moments!

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