Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Libby's teacher has been sending books home for Peyton's "homework" which is really so sweet.  Peyton feels like a big girl and loves it.  Here's hoping that enthusiasm holds up next year.  Tonight though, while we read, I realized we have some work to do when she couldn't identify the names of common balls.  She called them....

a "batball"

a "baseball"

 We'll call this "the blank stare"

To her credit she did correctly identify a golf ball and a soccer ball.  But this one was my absolute favorite.  She called this....are you ready?

a "dog ball"

Sometimes I'm so head over heels for that kid.  I can't even believe she's mine.  But then, she's always been this kid.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Technology for Seniors

I've been trying to troubleshoot for the last half hour why my mom's stinkin' computer won't find an internet connection at our house.  Mind you, she told me I didn't have to spend time on this.  I tried though, because a computer glitch is a challenge to me.  Still, my sister called while we were troubleshooting and suggested a few things.  None of them worked. I'd basically given up but agreed to look up her library account on my computer before I went to bed so my mom could renew her book.  I pulled up her account.  Here is the first book I found....

Um.....Houston?  I believe we may have nailed down the problem.

Also,  the book she renewed is a how-to on the iPhone which she's eligible for next month.  Oy.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Too Tight

"Mom, do you know how I know that I gwew last night?"


"My unduhwah is too tight."

This from the same kid who just said, "Mom, can you help me get outta this box?  I was twying to pwactice my back float and now my head is stuck."

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Always a Little Sistah

Peyton: "Mom, even when yah a gwamah, will you still be a little sistah?"

"Yep, Babe.  Even then."

Happy 42nd birthday to my big sistah today....

Monday, April 8, 2013


Here's a little gem from a few months ago when the girls and I went to school on a Saturday so I could work a bit.  They put scooters under the mat.  Then, Grandpa Dad surprised us with a quick visit on his way through town.  Check their faces. Pure awesomeness....

Peyton left me this little gift on the whiteboard. Peyton, whose kindergarten registration packet I picked up today.  Kindergarten.  She was giddy over the packet.  Just wait till she gets to do kindergarten. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Estate Planning

Libby: "Mom, when you die but before I die, I will collect all of your stuff for you."

Me: "You'll collect my stuff?"

Libby: "Yeah, and keep it in a special place."  -pause-  "But I'm not planning on you dying for awhile."

Peyton: "Yeah.  She's not dead yet."
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