Sunday, August 22, 2010

All's Fair

Last week we went to the fair and loved it. And by we, I mean my friend Becky, Libby and I loved it. Peyton sat and cried while Libby rode the rides Peyton was too short for. Next year will be her year....

The Swings. Perma-grin for the whole ride.

Libby finished with a canoe ride, though she had to be talked into it. She had her eye on something more daring. The canoes were, I think, the only ride that Peyton met the height requirement for and she was so happy to be participating. I had to ignore the fact that 30 minutes before they climbed in their boat we witnessed a very hot and tired woman take off her shoes and cool her dogs in the lazy river. Gross. Girls, please don't touch the water.

After rides we headed to the food booths and got some dinner and (of course) an elephant ear. Then, we made our way over to see the animals....

EVERY year there is a mama pig with her piglets and this year was no different. They're so cute, but as I watched this poor mother feed her babies I couldn't escaped some other thoughts. First, I am so happy to no longer be a breast feeding mother. I'm glad I was. My girls got off to a great start in life, but that's a chapter I'm happy to have closed. I'm also glad I didn't have multiples. Can you imagine? And lastly, if I had this anatomy Shane would be the happiest man on the planet. I'm betting if all new mothers had machinery as tempting as this fine sow, fewer men would go looking for younger, hotter pieces of bacon.

Bebo (Becky) and the girls head off to see some goats.

1 comment:

JEN said...

How adorable were those pigs?! It almost makes me not want to eat bacon anymore....almost.

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