Thursday, February 25, 2010

Warmer Weather

We had some 60 degree weather this week and it feels so good to get out in the sun a little. We walked the river trail one day and stopped to play at a park. We didn't stay long, though. The park was shaded and I desperately wanted the sun on my face. Even in this outfit, a very sweet woman stopped to tell us that Peyton had the sun in "his" eyes. Sigh. What else can a mama do?

I thought Shane put the girl's tricycle in the house in an effort to be the World's Coolest Dad. Turns out it was just quicker to put it inside the front door, than in the garage. Still though, the fact that it was inside gave them the green light to ride inside, and they've been tearing circles around the island all week.
Breakfast of champions....
Peyton is IN LOVE with babies. She used to cry at the sight of me holding a new baby, but these days she can't get enough. This is Ava who lives across the street, and she's equally in love with baby Ella Anderson. She loves to touch, touch, touch. It used to drive me crazy, moms who would let their toddlers touch my sweet, pure, fragile infants. Now, my children are the ones who long to touch other babies with all the grace and gentleness of a rhinoceros. Sorry new babies everywhere. We just really love you.
Guess who has learned to turn on the super sweet charm? Maybe if I smile super cute nobody will realize how much tape I wasted, and how I was told to have NO MORE TAPE. We are SO on to you sister....
Now, THIS is a good look. I don't care who you are.
Daddy's little helper, Peyton likes to hang out in the garage doing what Dad does. Shane loves it.

Grunden keeps an eye on the hood.

Have you heard the myth about Mentos and pop? That when you put them together it makes an explosive reaction? Well, we put it to the test and I'm here to tell you, it's no myth people. Peyton was content just to have her own bottle of pop. She wouldn't put it down, and when I offered to hold it so she could take the step down with her usually center of gravity, she herself had an explosive reaction. Anyway, check out our little experiment....

Insert Mentos....
Pull the pin and run! That's pop at the top of the frame. It only lasts a few seconds, but soooo much fun!

This warmer weather has been so nice. I'd like the mountains to get dumped on for the next few weeks then, adios winter. You're needed here no longer....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Thirteen years ago today Shane and I tied the knot on a gorgeous, but cold February 22nd. It's been quite a ride. Here's to many, many more years together. I love you darlin'!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Find Me Some Babies!

I'm wrapping up some sewing projects and then I'm going to hang up the sewing machine (at least as a profession) for a bit. I know I said that like four months ago. And again two months ago. But, this time I mean it. I MEAN it.

Here's where you come in:

I recently posted that I'd filled up my Etsy shop with some cute 16" x 16" personalized blankets (which may, or may not, have had grosgrain ribbon bordering them. wink. wink.). If you read that post, and went to my Etsy shop, you no doubt wondered why it was vacant to all but a few chirping crickets. You likely assumed that because my blankets are so incredibly fabulous, they sold out in the first five minutes. Well, that's not exactly how it happened. The blankets were removed for reasons I shall not divulge here. But, (ahem) let's just say I do not hold a patent for the squares of fabric in question. Anyway, I'd love for my blankets to go to a families of a newborn babies who need that special blanket. I'd especially love to find a family who has a child in the NICU, or something of that nature. I've already been to the Caring Bridge website, but it's hard to find detailed information on families I don't know without seeming like a stalker. That's understandable. Some people just don't want to be stalked. I get it.

Anyway, help me out. Put the word out, or just listen. Somewhere out there are ten babies that just might need a little love. Their names are:

Michael, Jacob, Joshua, Daniel & Ethan
Emily, Ava, Madison, Olivia & Emma

Let me reiterate. I am giving these away. Not selling them. I don't even like profits.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here's To Our Health

My mom was here last weekend for a luncheon and women's basketball game at Mac Court. We went to this same event last year. The luncheon is to honor a past woman athlete from Oregon who has made a significant impact on her community, with the Becky Sisley Award. This year's recipient was Sarah Grall, a fellow Bend High grad, who incidentally, played tennis at BSH when my mom was assistant coach there. Anyway, because my mom was one of many women honored, we got to go too. Julane and the boys were here for lunch and the game. Which, by the way the Ducks won 82-81. It was a great game to go to.

Peyton kicked off the weekend with some style...
Halftime. That's my mama in green waving to the masses.
In the spirit of fitness, the girls joined in on Grammy Jane's morning exercise routine.
Has it always been so, or is it just recently that the American Heart Association has taken to really pushing heart health around Valentine's Day? We celebrated the day with heart-shaped pancakes....
....but we all know that breast health is held in high regard around here. (It's normal for one to be smaller than the other.)
A moment I couldn't resist. Peyton was so content and tucked in tight.
This is our little buddy Michael. He's exactly a month younger than Libby and we've been friends since they were merely months old. We've been trying to get the kids used to the idea of activities without mom around, so Michael came this week in full super hero attire. Here he proves has the moves to back up the mask.
Help. I think Elmo ate my princess...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Blog

I've (shamelessly) added another blog to my list of things to stay on top of. I'm hoping it'll be one less thing that needs a lot of attention when I head back to the classroom in the fall. See it here, or find it in my links on the right.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh, Baby!

This morning at 6:30 baby Ella Kate Anderson came into the world at 8 lbs. 12 oz. Her proud mama and papa are our good friends Mark and Amy Anderson. She's the granddaughter to our good friends John and Valerie Nelson. We're so thrilled for them and their healthy baby girl. We're looking forward to many years of girly moments together. Welcome to the world little Ella Kate!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Been a Awhile

It's been awhile since I've really uploaded any pictures. I realized why that is. I actually haven't taken as many lately. That is to say... January's folder in my iphoto library only had 318 pictures, as opposed the the 1000+ that I usually take. Anyway, here's our last few weeks in pictures.

We love Costco for so many reasons, not the least of which is that my kids know all about the samples and therefore will leave the house for this errand. Other stores? Forget about it. I have to prep them on Tuesday if I'd like to go on Friday. I'm trying to avoid the word errands altogether. Libby knows that means she's going to be bored to tears doing whatever it is we're doing. Shane's solution to this is to offer ice cream on every outing. I'm down for sugar, but c'mon.... This day's sample was spaghetti.
My kids love to go to the pool in Bend. It's the same pool I grew up going to. The baby pool is huge, shallow and WARM. Warm is the key and I don't blame them. We go with my friend Mo and her son Will. This was Peyton's first time with me. She did go last summer with her Aunt Juju. Check out the bikini. O. For. Cute.
The girls and I went for a walk with my friend Becky around her neighborhood, which is now not far from ours. Two whooped pups. Somebody stop me. I never tire of taking pictures of two sleeping children. It's just too good when it happens, and I want a permanent record of such peaceful moments.
New goggles for Christmas.
Rock it girl.
My mom dug up some carrots a few weeks ago from her garden. Libby loves the idea of a garden, and I suppose I should get right on that. I'm pretty sure gardening isn't my thing. But, the other night Libby climbed in bed with us. When Peyton cried too, I told Libby to stay put. When she asked why, I told her, "It's the middle of the night." She replied with a very sleepy, "Okay, I'll just be here lookin' at Grammy Jane's raspberries." My sleepy little green thumb.
Peyton gets a not-too-close snuggle in with Komen. Komen looks skeptical, doesn't she?
We stopped by the Sportsman's Show this week to say hi to a few people as they were setting up. The girls loved the fish tank full of trout.
We went home to celebrate my mom's birthday last week. Happy Birthday Grammy Jane! We started with lunch on friday at The Olive Garden, but Libby wanted to know where the cake was. She's got this birthday thing down.
I'm back baby! Shane and I went to the mountain on Saturday and I'm happy to report it wasn't a disaster. I actually remember how to snowboard, and had so much fun doing it. I did have one good fall (on the back of my head, and yes, I cried. You would've too.), but picked myself up and made one more run right before heading to the lodge and finishing the day with a Bloody Mary and not-so-clear vision. Not sure what that was about, but I'm still sore and all I can say is thank God for my helmet. I'll never snowboard without one. Ever.
I took this picture at my mom's. Kindergarten. I definitely see my little one in me.
Grunden has some weird little fears, but we love him. He went through a period of time when he was afraid to get into my car. Unfortunately for me, I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time, and lifting my 90 pound dog into my not-so-low car was not-so-much fun. This, only after coaxing him out from underneath my car where he'd curled up and wet himself. Oddly, since that time, he's been fine. He jumps right in, ready to go. Weird. Well, his fears are back. Last week, on the way over the mountain we heard a commotion and here came Grunden. It was funny for as long as it took to snap a picture, until we realized that he'd be Peyton's lapdog if we should need to stop quickly. I unbuckled myself and chased him into the back once again. Guess we'll have to start using his crate. Weird animal. Lucky he's loved.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleepus Interruptus

Peyton on a more peaceful night than this.

It's 1:45 in the morning and I'm certain my last sane moment was around 11:30 when I turned off the t.v. and went to bed. At 12:30 I was startled awake by Libby's cries and the sound of her little feet on the hard floor. And by little feet, I don't mean little sound. This kid runs like and elephant. Seriously. I'm trying to teach her to run on her toes. I think she could wake her sister from a sound sleep if she were running out in the driveway. Scratch that. Herd of elephants. Or maybe it only feels that way after one hour of sleep.

Anyway, she needed to go potty, and then apparently needed to cry some more. I'm sure I've never seen my child this grumpy. When I tried to put her pajama pants back on she swatted at me as though I was trying to light her hair on fire. We snuggled in the rocker for about a minute before she grabbed my hand by the thumb and threw it at me. Jeez. Just trying to..... I don't know. What's the goal here? Sleep, right? I felt a little wounded at this point. I crossed my arms across my chest and Libby did the same. As we sat side by side I imagined what our lives will be like in ten years if we should ever all be awake in the middle of the night. This is what I do. When things get bad I imagine my babies as teenagers. That seems worse, but takes the edge off of the agony of the moment. But the truth is, I'd like NOT to have little teenage monsters, and should quit saying such things aloud or I'm sure that I'll will them to happen. Anyway, this family shouldn't be awake in the middle of the night. We gave that up awhile ago, and it's really better for all if we don't revisit it. Libby stopped crying and even let me tuck her into her bed with the promise that I'd be back to check on her.

I'm sure I was asleep before I actually made it back to my bed. One hour later.... More screaming. Louder crying. Here come the elephants.

She said to me, "I peed a little in my underwear." I tip-toed stealth like into her room and got a clean pair. As she washed her hands and we got her in clean jammies she'd say things like, "Hey Mom?.....Hi. Hi Mom. Hi." She seemed to need reassurance. I hugged, comforted and she seemed to be ready, once again, to climb into bed. I stopped her outside her room and explained that we'd only be going in there with the silent precision of The Navy Seals and that under no circumstance would there be a need for crying or talking aloud. She assured me she understood.

(I bet you can make a prediction here.)

I tucked her in, and as I did she gave me instructions in the same volume that she'd likely use........say.......... on the playground. Peyton responded by standing, rubbing her eyes and looking at me. Here's the kicker: Libby looks at Peyton, then looks at me and says, "Hey Mom? You woke up Peytie."

(Mama takes a deep breath and counts to ten)

So, with a little music, more rocking, and more hugs and kisses they were both back in bed. Right now, everyone appears to be sleeping. Here's hoping for longer than an hour this time.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I haven't sewn much lately, but I did decide it was time to sell the inventory I've got. Need a great baby gift? Find one here in my Etsy shop. Or, click on the link to my shop in the top right corner. It feels good to have something in my shop again. It's been awhile. Happy shopping....
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