Friday, January 30, 2009

Playing Together

The girls are changing everyday and they're so much fun.  They are getting so interactive with each other.  Peyton is the first person Libby wants to see when she gets up in the morning, and Peyton giggles at Libby's every move.  Even when Libby puts a large pillow on her, and then lays on top of it.  Smothering aside, I hope they'll always be great friends.  They're off to a great start!
Libby and Cameron played together last Friday.
Peyton, our little mini witch.  Libby loves to put this hat on her.
Two little witches.
Climbing in Daddy's chair is a favorite pastime.
Doesn't Libby look like she's up to no good?  Gotta watch her every move!
My great friend Emily, from high school, came through town this week.  She and her husband Keith were traveling through town with their kids Reagan, Spencer and Hailey.  It was so fun to see them, and I felt like no time had passed.  Em is exactly how I remember her, and she's got a beautiful family.  Hailey and Peyton are only two weeks apart.  This is Hailey and big sister Reagan.
Spencer looking super cool.  The lone boy in a sea of girls!
Peyton gives Grunden's tail a little taste.
Libby waits patiently for Dad to take her to gymnastics.  I was thrilled this morning when her hair was long enough for pig tails.  I felt so bad after I cut it last time.  Still, her bangs are growing out, and if she won't keep her clip in she looks like a sheepdog.
Peyton plays with a pile of socks while I put away her laundry.
Okay, I'm considering going back to work in the fall.  And maybe I do have a little too much time on my hands.  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Veggie Girl

Libby eats her vegetables at dinner about a week ago.  Go veggie girl.  Eat your trees!
These are shawls that Aunt Amy made all three of the girls for Christmas.  Super cute!
Peyton's six month checkup at the doctors office.  She used to be 50%iles for height and weight. Now she's 20%ile for both.  She's turning into a peanut just like her sister.
Here Libby has fun running around the Hult Center when we went to the box office to buy our tickets to see Annie.  
Yesteday's trip to the Hult Center to see Annie.  Peyton kept the Nelsons busy while Libby and I saw the play.  We loved it!  When we got into the car after the play Libby said, "Annie, dance!"
This morning we went to Bounce for Ava's second birthday party.  Libby is sawing logs in her room as I'm writing this.  Totally worn out from the party.
A swing for three.  Libby loved this so much.  When her turn was over.  She stood her ground crying, and screaming, "Mine!"  This word is a new favorite.
Cupcakes and a juice box with Ava and Ava's mom, my friend Melissa.
Libby was so thrilled with her party favors.  She went through her bag the whole way to the car.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Missing the Blog...

Life's been a little crazy lately.  I've been sewing at night and trying to manage a website, blog, and two Etsy sites by day.  The good news is that I've actually sold a few bags.  Tomorrow I'm shipping one to PA, and I don't even know the person who bought it!  That's progress! Anyway, I've missed blogging.  It's one of the things I love to do at night before I go to bed, and it's a great way to reflect on my time with the girls.

Libby listens to tunes on Shane's new ipod.  This means he has his own ipod to snowboard with, and I can have mine back.

Peyton is all smiles.  So happy even that her toes curl.
There is something to be said for genetics.
Grammy Pearl's little rocker.
A new outfit from Grandma Kurtz.
Bundled up for a frosty morning in Bend.  Peyton has lived in this outfit over the last month.  I wish I had one.
Libby rows around the kitchen just like daddy.
I wish my bear was real.  I wish my bear was real.
A little light reading on the pot.  Nat. Geo for kids.
We went to Target for some big girl underwear, and we were both thrilled that they make Elmo underwear for girls.  Though my friend Sharon did point out that toddler boys underwear are so much softer than girls.  Why is that?  It's really true.  I guess that's why I wore Spiderman Underoos when I was little. Anyway, Libby opened the package when we got home and went about decorating the bar stools with them.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Okay, the minute I published the last post Libby peed in her Dora chair. Which, by the way, is made of fabric and foam. Super absorbent. Better than the couch I guess. I didn't fully grasp the idea before that when you're potty training it's really all you can do. Thankfully, Peyton has chosen to be a great napper today. Counting my blessings....

Sweet Success!

I had Libby get off the potty so I could move it in front of the t.v. Though I'm a slow learner, I decided after mopping up puddle after puddle to have her sit there until she DID put some pee in the potty. Brilliant, I know! When she stood up and moved there was pee in the pot! Hooray! We poured it in big potty, washed hands and celebrated with some M & Ms. Now she's in dry pants (pair four) and we'll try to do it all again in 10 minutes. Wish us luck!

Potty Training

The scene before me as I sit here on the floor is one naked toddler clearly unhappy about sitting on the potty. I'm traveling back and forth between thinking it's REALLY time to start peeing on the potty, and wondering if I'm pushing her into something that would better evolve on it's own. At the current moment she's pushing away her sippy cup, whining "no" and "Jenny" (she has just discovered that we have names other than mommy and daddy).

The fourth pair of dry pants and Elmo underwear sitting next to me are an indication of how things have gone so far this morning.... I have peeled off three pair of soaked pants, and mopped up three pee puddles. We're about to put on pair four. Now she's crying and WAILING "Jenneeeeeeeey, Jenneeeeey, Jenneeeeeeeeeeeeeee....."

Hold on. I have an idea. I'm going to move the potty in front of some cartoons. I'll be back.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stroller Totes is Open For Business!

After much soul searching, countless conversations, many prototypes and lots of support from Shane, I'm trying my hand at selling online. My business is called Stoller Totes and you can find me at

My bags hang from the handle of a stoller and will hold an entire diaper bag, or a few diapers, wipes and a cell phone. The bag stays on the stroller and folds flat when the diaper bag is removed. I came up with the idea after too much fumbling with my diaper bag as I try to run about town with the girls. For more details check out my site. And if you know someone who's having (or already has) a baby, feel free to hit that "add to cart" button!

Happy shopping!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Here are some pictures from December and some firsts for the new year. On January 2 we discovered two teeth in Peyton's smile after a few unsuccessful attempts at bedtime and a lot of screaming. Poor Peytie! It didn't occur to me to look for teeth! Libby's first teeth didn't arrive until she was 11 months. This just proves that Peyton is her own little person. Still, she's as happy as ever, and her smile is getting cuter by the minute.

Libby has been sneezing with a runny nose for weeks. We finally went to the doctor today, and bingo!....ear infection. She's so prone to them, but shows no symptoms of having a sore ear...until......tonight. After hearing us talk about her ear she kept pointing to it with a whole new urgency. Milking it for all it's worth!

Happy New Year from our house to yours!

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