Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Morning at the Delta Ponds

Every time we drive by the Delta Ponds this time of year we look for geese families, specifically the fuzzy babies waddling after their parents. The girls have been asking when we can go back there, so today we went. The paths have had some serious upgrades since we were last there. We saw some geese families, but they were too far away to get pictures of. The rest of the wildlife didn't disappoint....

The girls have been collecting agates lately, and our walk ended in looking for rocks in the parking lot. No agates, but we did find a piece of obsidian.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Libby: Mom, Don't come in here!

Me: Why, what are you doing?

Libby: I'm cleanin' the bathroom! How d'ya like THEM apples?!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Chasing Lizards

We went to Bend yesterday to celebrate Willie D's fifth birthday and my dad's 70th. It was a whirlwind of a day, that culminated in what we'll call The Great Lizard Hunt of 2012. The girls started looking for lizards with Jayden in the rocks at my dad and Margie's house. They found a bunch, but had a hard time grabbing them. It wasn't for the lack of trying, though. Libby was bravely sticking her hand under rocks and grabbing for them, but it wasn't till Daddy came and joined the hunt that they caught one. Still, I was proud of them for even getting close and tried not to act all squeamish and girly myself.
Daddy caught one!

Hey Handsome.


Awwww. Isn't he cute?

Daddy held onto Ella Bella

Libby went looking for a friend for her little guy.


That scared me.

If you love something, set it free.....

Saturday, May 19, 2012


The other night I heard my hair dryer. Since I'm the only one who uses a hair dryer in this house, I investigated. I found this; Shane drying a palm full of Elmer's Glue so he could then peel it off "like blisters".

I posted this picture on facebook with a comment about being married to an eight year old and friends responded. Those who commented were others who also love to make skin out of glue, and a few who thought Shane looked skinny. He does look skinny in this picture. I know. I took it. For the rest of the night he told me how skinny he was. I reminded him that the angle from which pictures are taken can create images that are deceiving.
Fast forward to last night, when he says this to me.... "You know, I think it's good for us to get a little fat and sloppy as we get older. I mean, we have only each other to impress right?"

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "Um, who are we talking about exactly? Because that will determine whether or not I'm willing to continue talking about this."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Word to All You Mothers....

I love Mother's Day, and this was my best one yet. Shane told me he had something planned and I knew exactly what. We started with church and then breakfast at....
This is a favorite Sunday breakfast spot when the weather gets good. This morning, the sun was out and campus was alive with activity.

Peyton always looks like she's hiding a secret. And she might be. We haven't figured out what, though.

After breakfast, a walk through campus.

Some running too.

After burning some energy on campus we took the girls to the park where we ran into friends. Now, as I'm sitting at the table writing, the girls are doing this....


You know those days where you look back and remember how perfect a day was? Vacations are like that too. Don't get me wrong. I love vacation. But even on vacation every moment isn't blissful. And though it's not, we look back and remember that it was. I don't think an entire week of bliss is even possible. But a day definitely is.

I'll end with this because some postings on facebook today reminded me how much I love Tina Fey's book Bossypants, and the very best part of that book A Prayer For All Mothers. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Track and Field

We were at the Madison track a week ago and I couldn't resist these pics. Especially since Peyton's number changes next month. Say whaaaaaaaaat?!

I'm documenting here (because I don't want to forget) that I sent this one to time out during dinner last night for being a stinker at the table. Bad manners, screwing around and acting like she's three. How dare she. Anyway, I told her I'd seen enough, and sent her to the rug. She walked slowly away from the table doing a parade wave as she went. Oy. How does one not laugh? And Grammy Jane was the worst.

And don't get me started on this one. She's registered for kindergarten. Kindergarten, people.

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Night Away

We spent Saturday night in Portland at the Benson. We had a date of dinner and drinks downtown, and a morning of sleeping in. Because everyone knows that the way to a girl's heart is to let her sleep in....

The girls had their first (and much anticipated) sleepover with Lucy Bug. Thanks Aunt Amy and Lucy for the fun weekend....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April in Review

In an attempt to catch up, last month....
Peyton and I grocery shopped. She loves weighing.

Grandpa Dad visited.

We baked a version of Costco's Aussie Bites because Eugene doesn't carry them.

The girls went horse back riding.

Play Doh

And more Play Doh.

Kitchen Science

A playground in the SUN.

Water play for Peyton. Worm play for Libby.


A school day for them on a sick day for me.

iPhone and iPad Masters

Libby and I made a robot. Isn't she gorgeous? Peyton tried to touch her and Libby had other plans.

Next on this families schedule.... Wrap up the craziest, busiest part of the school year and get on with summer!
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