Thursday, August 28, 2008

Green Thumb

I have to begin this post with this disclaimer....It is absolutely unintentional that Libby gets so much more photo time than Peyton. For 35 years I grinched about being the second child that nobody cared to take pictures of. There were so many pictures of my older sister, Julane. Now, I get it. And I'm even trying really hard to take the pictures, it's just that the girls are at such different stages. Any activity we do together means Libby and I are interacting and Peyton is doing what Peyton does best, sleeping. Furthermore, I'm usually the one with the camera in my hand and I'm often carrying Peyton in a pack which makes capuring her on film that much more difficult. So Peytie Pie, I'm sorry. I'll try harder. I'd like to think that when you are almost two, and having all kinds of new discoveries we'll take as many pictures of you as we did your sister. I'll do my best.

Here we are at yet another park. This one has a play structure that I can easily chase Libby on, while wearing Peyton. Libby did laps. There were only a handful of other kids so she basically had the whole structure to herself.

Libby is such a GIRL! Picking flowers is a favorite pastime whenever there's grass.

For years I have wanted to surround our fire pit with some green plants to finish off the look. I finally went to the nursery with the girls and got our plants. Libby loved running the paths at the nursery.

Eating a Yum Bowl for lunch

Unloading the plants from the car

Riding atop the potting soil

A great experience at Walmart.... (and I never have a great experience at Walmart :) So here we are in the parking lot at Walmart on Wednesday morning. We got our breakfast at McDonalds (don't judge me) on the way there. We got to Walmart and I sat Libby in the passenger seat to eat her breakfast. Whil we were sitting there a cute little elderly man pulled up next to us and Libby waved at him. He waved back and went in to do his shopping. A short time later the man returned with a single shopping bag and got in his car to leave. As he's about to back up he and Libby made eye contact and she waved goodbye to him. I could see the lightbulb go off. He stopped his car, opened his shopping bag and took out two individually wrapped cookies. Then, he came over to our car to share his cookies with us. It was so sweet and Libby loved it. He told us about his grandaughter at home and showed us her picture. He peeked at Peyton and wanted to go and get another cookie for her. I thanked him but said she was still too little for cookies. It was such a nice moment and he was such a sweet man.

My little green thumb helps with the potting soil.

An expert with a hose.

An impromptu dressing up with the oven mits.

Peyton doesn't seem to mind that there aren't nearly as many pictures of her. She considers herself number one.

We had a Birth to Three playgroup at Ara's last night and Ara had all kinds of love for Libby. She wasn't entirely sure about his affection, but held still while he loved on her anyway.

Garret brings down the house on the xylophone while Ryan is his number one fan.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Loon Lake

Shane already has the trailer at the coast for his fall Chinook season. Sunday though, he had a cancellation, so on Saturday night I packed up Grunny and the girls and we headed to the coast with the intention of checking out Loon Lake. It's a popular spot for people in our town and I'd never been. I really missed a great photo opportunity on the beach at the lake. Libby was having so much fun playing in the water and I was having fun playing with her, and talking to friends that we ran into, and I just didn't take many pictures. Anyway, these are the photos from our time with Grammy Jane, and then our weekend at the coast.

On Thursday my mom and I took the girls to one of the farms by our house. Libby loved the playground and this was her first time on a merry-go-round. When it was time to leave she had a total meltdown.

On Friday we went to a great park on the river trail. I walk by this one once in a while, but never stop for Libby to play because I don't know yet how I'd manage holding Peyton, chasing Libby and keeping the jogger close. So, we went while Grammy Jane could go too, and it was a huge hit!

It has a great sand and water feature.

A steep hill, but they did it together!

Grammy Jane couldn't resist picking berries while I sat down on a bench to feed Peyton. We were all grateful for the goodies she picked.

Bedtime on Friday night. Nothing cuter than girls in their pajamas.

Does this look suspicious or what?

Libby has rediscovered all of her old toys and baby accessories. The ones we keep in the trailer are no exception.

Snuggling with my baby.

Our favorite dinner spot is a short walk from where we keep our trailer. I pushed the girls and Shane did some boardin'.

We stopped to take in the scenery. Notice how perfectly the board fits on top of the jogger? Like it was meant to be.

Libby liked climbing the steps up and down to the gazebo. She discovered her sweatshirt has pockets.

Such a happy girl!

Here is the only shot I got of Libby at Loon Lake. I'm kicking myself for not getting a better shot of the beach or even one of the lake. It's such pretty spot. Libby was playing in the sand while we talked to our friends Michael, John and Devin. I was a nanny when I was a student at the U of O for John (3) and Devin (5). Their parents are Ty and Michael. Now, this makes me feel old. John is 17 this year and is going to be a Senior and Devin in starting his Junior year at U of O. Sigh. Time Flies.

Libby sports her rocker t.

Worn out from too much fun.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

10 Pounds 8 Ounces

We all went to Peyton's two month doctor's visit, and what a big girl she is! 10 lbs., 8 oz. to be exact and her chubby cheeks don't lie. She's healthy, happy, and getting chubbier by the minute!

What a goofy girl!

Libby had some fun of her own with daddy.

Libby tells Peyton all about going to the doctor. I think she's warning her about the shots to come. Peyton really screamed, but not for too long.

Blowing bubbles is one way to keep Libby entertained, and therefore sitting still.

Nelson called last night to invite the girls and I to Amy's for Valerie's birthday dinner. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALERIE! Here Libby is having so much fun in Amy's butterfly chair. Amy made fish tacos, and Valerie got a cruiser from her family. We'll all be able to cruise around the neighborhood together.

Valerie and Mark have some snuggles for Peyton.

Libby helped me get out her little floor gym for Peyton today. Seems Libby has been missing it. and was happy to share with her sister.

Libby was fascinated with the bag of garbage from our bathroom. She drug it around the bathroom floor and then lost interest in it because she discovered some mascara in the drawer. She snuck the mascara out of the bathroom and when I found her in the entry, she had it open and who knows what she was about to do with it. I yelled, "No!" She jumped because I had totally startled her, and immediately had a total meltdown. In the midst of huge tears I asked her if she wanted to take the garbage out and she did. Who knew garbage would be a good distraction?

Grammy Jane called this morning and asked what we were doing. She said her golf game wasn't going too well, and she needed an upper.....and did we want company? Is the sky blue? Well, today it wasn't, but you know what I mean. Anyway, she showed up at about 4:30 with plastic cups and balls for Libby. Putting cups in balls is a favorite activity when we visit Grammy Jane. The activity was a big hit, and I'm sure we'll be doing more of it in the morning.

Peyton has decided she's not too interested in going to bed tonight, so she is swaddled on the ottoman and about to make a fuss. My mom and I have both been staying up way too late watching the olympics and tonight is no different. I love watching the olympics and am a little bummed that the gymnastics is over. Shawn Johnson is a favorite. Tonight we're watching the diving. Gotta go, Peyton's going alley cat on me.....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tooooo Hot!

It has been so hot here the last few days. My car said it was 103 today. It's hard to find anything worth doing outside. It makes me want to hibernate in my air conditioned house. Despite the scorching temps, we've been hanging out as a family.... even outside.

On Thursday we hit the fair with Dave and Becky. We bought ride tickets just inside the entrance because I couldn't wait to take Libby on some rides. It turns out she's not big enough for the rides this year, so Shane used the tickets to win the girls some stuffed animals. We came home with a stuffed parakeet and a little grey hippo. All in all we had a great time, ate some good food (love an elephant ear) and saw some cute animals.

This is Peyton's first ride in the jogger without being in her carseat. It was just too hot to keep her in her carseat. Even this didn't work so well and someone was holding her most of the time so she could get in what little breeze there was.

Libby shares a chicken and rice bowl with her dad.

Peyton enjoys her first fair.

Libby was so sweaty and sticky it prompted Becky to give her a new hair style.

This is Libby's first cotton candy. Bebo bought it for her, and at first she wasn't too sure about it. It only took one taste of the sugar though, before she went for more.

Libby and I cruisin' around seein' the sights.

We spent more time with the pigs than any other animal. The piglets are so cute. I can seriously relate and sympathize with this poor mama. What do I have to complain about? I'm only feeding one, and I generally do so where there is air conditioning.

Our good friend Bret came yesterday. This was the first time he'd seen Peyton and a bond was forged.

Libby loves on Bret's dog Bri. Doesn't she look like a Muppet?

Libby got a new set of bubbles (thanks Shellie), and she loves them. She can actually make bubbles, but she eats a lot of soap in the process.

The wood shed is done! I should've also included a picture of our garage. It's the cleanest it's ever been since we've lived here. The shed holds more than we even anticipated, and we're super impressed with Shane's handi-work. Nelson noted that he even painted the trim, or added "frosting".

Another first for she put on her own shoes. We're so proud.
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