Monday, March 29, 2010

Making the Most of the Rain

We had a busy week full of family and the house is very quiet today. Wouldn't you know it's raining? I've decided to quit my griping and make the most of it by getting out of the house.
We put on our boots, and didn't have to go any farther than our driveway to find puddles.

Going for it....
Pure joy...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

For the Birds...

We've been watching (like, like owls) this website for a week now. It's a real time web cam that's inside a barn owl box in San Marcos, California. The girls love it, and you'd never be able to see it in live action another way. When we started watching, only one egg had hatched and there were four more eggs. Now, all but one (I think) have hatched. If you can't see the babies, she's probably sitting on top of them. It's a 24 hour camera, but it's a little clearer during the day. Check it out here. Thanks Rachel, for the link.

Update: Now my mom's got us watching a bald eagle nest on Catalina Island. Very cool.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sun, Please Stay.

On dry days we've been getting out to get as much activity as we can. Libby has been riding her bike and she's getting the hang of balancing on two wheels. Watch her here. It totally wears her out though, and she napped for three hours in our bed the other day after falling asleep in the car on the way home. Sun, please stay so I can wear her out like this everyday.
Little Miss Fashion. I put the hat away. She gets it back out as the perfect accessory to every outfit.
Grammy Jane came last week for a women's b-ball game at The Pit. The Lady Ducks killed it.
If I look like I'm about to spring into action it's because seconds before this shot we got chased off of the court by security. Yep, that's me. I totally live on the edge like that.
My sister did a Mary Kay class here on Thursday night. Guess who loved lip color? Shocking, I know. Peyton got into it too.
Yow. za.
Libby is so happy tucked between two of her favorite people on the planet. Peyton waits her turn.
After a day together yesterday ( in the house, because it rained all day. We were stuck inside. Did I mention I'm sick of the rain? I know, I live in the valley. It rains here. I get it.) we went to Putters to DO something besides look outside at the rain. Fun was had by all, and Peyton didn't fall into any of the MANY water hazards. Success.
The girls won some tickets at the arcade after our round of golf which they used to buy grape Laffy Taffy. That's good for growing teeth, right? Peyton waits for me to bite off a piece and feed her like a baby bird.
No rain today! We spent the morning on the river trail and at the park. I've got two very tired girls at the moment.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rogue Emu

We took a family field trip today to...
...and I have too many pictures to post. If you haven't done this, or haven't been in a while, GO. We had so much fun. The girls loved not having to sit in their car seats and couldn't wait to see the animals.
The giraffes and our emu encounter were my favorites. Excitement built as we approached...
Then, excitement turned to fear. Seconds before I took this shot Libby had her face in the window. But, as the giraffe came closer she retreated to the safety of the middle of the car. Peyton was sitting on the console between Shane and I.
As you watch this, know that I practiced some serious restraint by NOT opening the window. I was so tempted. Isn't that terrible? I mean, Shane could be minus one eye. Forgive my cackling. I couldn't help it. We'd watched this emu accost the car in front of us and were all a little nervous as he approached us. Watch. You'll see.....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello Spring! Oh, How I've Missed You.....

I had to crack up at Libby for a couple of reasons this morning. First of all, someone has recently taken to dressing herself and she's got her dad's fashion sense. Secondly, I've seen her take off running and hide behind the couch a few times lately. Turns out she's not a fan of anything on t.v. that scares her. Disclaimer: she only watches Sprout and Nick Jr. "It's like preschool on t.v.". This kid has got a low threshold for scary. Here she watches Dora from a safe distance.
Hello spring. Hello river trail. I LOVE warm weather!
Look at my girl balance.
Peyton picks flowers.
Shane picks poo. Look at his face. He's totally dry heaving.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dance is Done

This shot represents every night after seven o'clock at our house. The girls are in their jammies, but before we brush teeth or read books they go bananas for a good half an hour. You probably guessed that Libby's under the blanket, and you're right.
Happiness is a new pair of tap shoes. Wouldn't you know it. Apparently, all I needed to do ten weeks ago was to buy Libby a pair of tap shoes and all of a sudden she can't wait to go to dance. Sigh. This, after struggling to get her jazzed (pun intended) to go to class with bribes and other "I said I'd never do its". Well, we got her shoes on Wednesday, and Thursday morning she was begging for dance class. Still when we got there she refused to participate for a good five minutes, before the prospect of having fun won out over proving her point. (I think her point is that she doesn't do anything she doesn't wanna do. She's right.) So she's been tap tap tapping like a little Savion Glover all over her dance floor. She can't wait to start dance this session. Don't tell her, but we're taking a little hiatus from dance to focus on other activities like bubbles, bike rides and the sand box.
Libby may be a dancer, but Peyton can make fish faces with the best of 'em.
Last class...
Bob and Cheryl stayed with us last night and it was a much needed distraction for us all. Shane was gone and by eight o'clock this mom's fun meter was pegged. No, broken. The girls were in bed which meant I got the Shaws all to myself and this morning the girls couldn't get enough of them.

We went to the park to play today and this is the scene on my couch even as I'm sitting here writing. While I was getting Peyton down Libby conked, a rare occurrence indeed. Someone was tired.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

A Wish for a Friend
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers-
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours-
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

Happy St. Patricks's Day from our little leprechauns to yours....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Smooth(ie) Moves

Blueberry smoothies. My answer to a healthy breakfast so I NEED NOT COOK.

orange juice
frozen blueberries
Everyone's happy.

Here my little pirates sail the high seas. Grunden is blissfully unaware that there may be sharks lurking in the area.
Libby asked, "Daddy, will you draw me a house?" Will you look at this drawing? I can't compete with that. And the man does nails.

Libby wrapped herself around the table and said, "Mom, look what I can do!"
"Wow. Where did you learn that move?"
"At dance class."

a) Dance teacher has skills we didn't know about.
b) Libby caught Daddy reading his "email".
c) It's time to ditch dance and take up gymnastics.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Teachers Make the Worst Students

It's true. Though, even before I was a teacher I was never a great student. If the content is boring, I can read it 49 times and it won't stick. At the moment I'm reading the results of research study, after research study. Fascinating stuff. Add to the mix, two kids and a husband who is (at this very moment) standing before me trying to distract with insane, hip thrusting (albeit awesome) dance moves and there's NO WAY I can work IN THIS HOUSE. I've got to complete a class to renew my teaching license, so yesterday I went elsewhere to do my reading. Notice the obscene amount of caffeine I brought along for the ride....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Prego Predicament

No, I'm not pregnant. Sorry, if you had a moment of panic for me. And thank you, for I would be panic stricken too.

Remember last week how excited I was to hang up my sewing machine and concentrate for a while on something else? Well then, it stands to reason, doesn't it, that today would be the day that I get an email through my Etsy account from Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine that my "days of the week" pocket chart was featured in this month's issue!? How exciting, and maddening. Aaaauuuuuuggggghhhhh! What would you do?! Somebody talk me off of this ledge I'm on. I'm about to break out my sewing machine...........
Top left....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Laughing 'Till it Hurts

We were in Bend last week to celebrate our buddy Greyson's birthday at Bouncin' Off the Wall. Libby shows no fear on the slide. It was a Super Hero Party, so naturally, our girls wore tutus.
The Birthday Boy...
Ready for lunch!
Peyton is loving her tutu, probably because Libby usually wears hers to dance class.
Peyton looks on and dreams of the day she can join dance class too. This day she was rockin' the tutu and her Converse high tops. Who says we don't do fashion? Libby is hidden somewhere under the parachute.
Post-dance snuggles.
We were back in Bend this weekend and the weather was awesome! I snowboarded with Shane on Friday and met my friend Mo and her son Will for lunch at the Old Mill on Saturday.

After lunch at Red Robin.....
This is where the hysteria began. Will was exhausted and in no mood to smile for the camera. This is one of three pictures I took where Libby wouldn't uncover her face. And Peyton was just Peyton, along for the ride and taking cues from her (slightly) older peers. Just after I snapped this shot, Will got his second wind and spotted (across the grass) a dispenser for plastic bags for picking up your dog's poo if you're walking the trail along the river.
He took off, and before Mo could catch up to him.....
Cue Mama....
Tug-o-war ensues, though Mo was seriously outmatched holding a bag, a balloon and Red Robin leftovers....
Mo frantically tries (without success) to stuff bags back into the dispenser while I laugh hysterically from behind my camera.....
....and the winner is....... Will!

Will made it back to where the girls and I were hysterical at the whole scene, proud of himself for a job well done. Then, he turned and sprinted for the dispenser again. Luckily, in his exhaustion, he fell before he could get there. Mo was HOT on his trail this time, and had to hurdle him to avoid landing on him. More laughter from me and the girls.

The reprimand. More laughing.
We watched the whole scene from here. Through my own fits of laughter I kept telling Libby what a naughty thing to do this was. I'm telling you, she can't wait to get her own little mitts on a roll of those bags....
We're home now and we only had time tonight for dinner, baths and freshly painted nails. I did Libby's and Shane couldn't stand it. As soon as I got polish on Libby's last nail, he snagged it so he could do Peyton. Then, he proceeded to tell me how I could've done a better job on Libby. Please. I'm married to a girly-girl.
What a great Daddy. We're painting his nails tomorrow.
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