Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Though I've had some trainings to go to this week, today was my first official day to report back to work. This is why I'm looking longingly through my summer pictures, many of which I haven't posted here because I've been having too much summer fun. See?

Anyway, we don't take our Grunny to Shasta with us, but our friends do take their sweet girl, Jersey. I beg of you. Tell me. What's NOT to love about summer? (Sigh.)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fall's Coming

I think it's safe to assume that getting kids off to school is a welcome addition to most parents morning routine. The rest of the day's routine for that matter, because having your kids somewhere else for the next six hours is.... somewhat freeing. I know. I'm the one who frees you up.

It's almost fall. I feel it because there are some things that happen every year as beginning of the school year draws near.

#1) I have one of two recurring nightmarish dreams. In the first one, I'm the student who shows up to class in a large auditorium on my college campus and my professor announces to "take out your blue book and a pencil. You'll have the remainder of the period to complete your test.", wherein I panic and ask around for a blue book and a pencil as my cohorts shoot each other glances and roll their eyes. I lived this nightmare more than once as an undergrad since my favorite perk of attending college away from my parents was that no one knew if I went to class or not. As an undergrad, reading funny cards at the bookstore and laughing with my roommate sometimes won out over going to class. The obvious downside of not attending class, is not knowing when there will be a test. In my dream it's always a math class. Note to parents: The statute of limitations on getting upset about this has expired. Also, I show up to work everyday. On time. Early even.

In the other nightmare I'm the teacher, and my class has spiraled out of control. There is running, screaming, spit wads and a number of people treating the hanging lights like playground equipment. This isn't the bad part. The bad part is no matter what I do I cannot get my class' attention. It's totally out of control, but worse, totally out of my control. And people, I've got Common Core Standards to teach. We can't afford to spend more than five minutes swinging from the lights.

#2) Salmon are being caught on the Umpqua River.

#3) I spend time I'd otherwise like to be sleeping, lying awake running through a mental checklist. I did this from 5:30 to 7:00 this morning. Then, I went back to bed until 8:30, made possible by my kids' ability to make their own cinnamon toast. Yay! Or toast with jam. Or toast with butter, jam and cinnamon. Or just pouring cinnamon with sugar from the shaker straight into their mouths. I happen to know Grunny even got a whole piece of toast. From where I'm sitting now I can see the kitchen counter where it all we nt down, and while Grunny has already cleaned the floor, the counter and surrounding cupboards need some attention.

#4) I get a head start on setting up my classroom. Check.

#5) I look for a crafty project to do. I don't know why I do this. It would be better if I didn't. I don't have time for it, but I do it every year like I'm in a panic that this will be the last opportunity to do something personally creative before my focus gets all teacher-ish. This year's project that I must make before going back to work....
Washer Necklaces. Cute, huh? Curse you, Pinterest!

#6) Schedule and attend appointments I avoided all summer. Allergist, check. Dentist....I really should get on that. They're probably full already. Why bother them? I'll call at Christmas.

#7) Color my roots. Peyton was snuggling with Shane this week and asked him, "Daddy, how come your roots are brown?" What. Ever.

#8) Nest like a pregnant woman. Organize every nook and cranny including cleaning out the girls' clothes, reorganize our closets and start mentally making meal plans for fall. I say mentally, because though mean planning is always a goal, I never actually make it happen. It would be so much better for my family if cooking was what got my creative juices flowing. It's not.

#9) Get the Duck Football Schedule on my calendar. Check.

#10) Retrain the Littles. This includes (but isn't limited to) a reasonable bedtime, regular baths, vitamins, fluoride, vegetables, eating meals at a table while using manners, wearing clothing and not peeing in the bark chips on the playground. And a review of things you should and shouldn't say at school couldn't hurt. Ohmuuuuuhgaaaaaawsh..... I'm realizing this goal might be loftier than we're capable of.

#11) Take up writing again and update my blog!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Catered Affair

Tonight during dinner:

(Libby) "Mom, for my next birthday I want a waitress."

(Me) "Huh. A waitress?"

"Yeah. Like at Grandpa Dad's birthday."

"Oh. You want a catered affair."


"Sorry sis. Not gonna happen. At least not on your sixth birthday."

"How 'bout when I'm ten?"

"When you're celebrating 70 we'll have it catered."

Credit to her for being one observant little goose....


Libby did full day camp this summer for the first time. 8-3 for five days in a row just about did her in. On Thursday afternoon I crawled up next to her on our bed where she was watching cartoons and said, "Do you love camp?" She answered back sleepily, "Yeah, I love it. I can't wait till it's over." It totally wore her out.

On Monday when we dropped her off, I stopped to take this picture and then got all weepy over Libby being old enough to drop off at camp. Shane turned around and goes, "Are you crying?" I don't know what happened. It just happened. I did manage to pull myself together so Libby wouldn't see me and start her own waterworks. Parenting surprises me sometimes.

Happy Campers

Peyton and Zari wait for their big sisters to be done with camp, and long for next summer when they can go too.

I'm ending with this article that illustrates the best of people when an election year seems to bring out the parts of people I like the least. C'mon people, can't we all just get along? The righties and the lefties? This is why I'm a teacher and not a politician.... Go read it. It's reeeeeeally good.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August Seventeenth?

I spent three hours in my classroom this morning and got a lot done. And I don't want to send a panic through you, but if you haven't looked at a calendar recently, today is the seventeenth. Of August. What?! Since I can't actually go back in time, I'll go in pictures. These are a few randoms from the beginning of summer....

The girls loved having a lemonade stand when the weather warmed up in June, even if their stand was in the backyard, limiting their market. Undeterred, they took Shane's beverages out of the fridge in the garage and sold them back to him at $.25 per cold one. Not bad for not even getting dressed in the morning.

The work of one of the budding artists in the house.

We went to the rodeo with friends. When Shane said he was going to go get the girls some popcorn, I didn't know he'd get them each their own bag. Summer, glorious summer.

Both girls have spent a fair amount of time in swim suits this summer. They're sporting some tans now, that they weren't in July. In this shot, Peyton channels her inner Missy Franklin.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Project Couch Construction (a.k.a. Why I Haven't Touched My Blog in Awhile)

Things are about to slow down a bit around here. Just in time to get ready for school to start. We've been busy with the construction of a new couch, a project that was born out of the desire to have a place where our whole family could crash together. A place to snuggle, read books and take great naps.

In the beginning, Shane wasn't convinced. So, I used my technology skills as persuasion and mapped out the exact dimensions of our room.

Then, I found inspiration all over the internet....

....and in furniture I found at a wedding....

....and at Costco.

We bought two twin mattresses....

....which sat on our living room floor....

....since we'd already sold our furniture on Craigslist.

Shane bought the steel, got the welder and got busy welding, grinding and sanding.

I sewed like a mad woman and finished the last pillow yesterday....

Of course, the girls have their own ideas....

....and so does Grunny.

My favorite thing is that every last part of it is washable, a must for the way we live.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jam Packed July

Our July was, and has always been, crazy busy. We ran in track meets, went swimming, played with our neighbors, did camping trip after camping trip, had a garage sale and built a new sectional. Okay, Shane built it, but I designed it (pictures later).

About three weeks ago we had a family meeting of sorts, and I informed Shane that next year I will not overcommit myself like this again. It's too crazy. Anxiety producing, even. Then he asked me exactly which things I'll be cutting out next year. And my answer? "Ummmm.... the garage sale."

That's the problem, I guess. I don't want to give up any of it. August slows down a bit, though, so I guess I'll just enjoy a little room to breathe, and try to updated my blog, before September's insanity.

In other news, yesterday, as I ran around town with Peyton in tow, she fell asleep in her car seat. I decided to carry her through the hardware store asleep, knowing I'd be quick since I only needed one thing. As I unbuckled her and picked her up, she straightened up, looked me in the eye and called me a "Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins" before falling back to sleep on my shoulder. Love that kid.
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