Monday, May 31, 2010

God Bless Those Who Serve

I couldn't come up with words to express what this video made me feel, so on this Memorial Day I'm just posting it instead. God bless the men and women who've served and who serve in the military. And God bless those who love them. Get a tissue. You're going to need it.

I want to send a personal thank you to our dear friends Jodi and Gary Grubb and your three boys. Your family has sacrificed a lot over the years for Gary's service in the military. We love you guys and think of you often.

Girls Gone Wild (a.k.a. A Day at the Cabin)

We spent Saturday of Memorial Weekend up at Kevin and Susan's cabin. We had perfect weather for getting out and burning some energy on bikes. Both girls were exhausted when we got home.

The meadow in front of the cabin has the perfect slope to practice getting gutsy on their bikes.
Knock Knock!
Let's ride.
Grunny gets some love and Peyton gets hysterical.
Peyton checks out the river from the safety of the couch.
The girls....
Libby and Lucy get in a good snuggle with Aunt Susan......
....and with Uncle Kevin.
A little more ridin'.

It's been a good weekend.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Big news first.... I have a job! I'm going to be teaching 5th grade here. I'm going back to Howard Elementary and it feels great to be going back to a familiar place. I'll be working with my friend Suzy and that's a huge bonus! Now, if I can figure out how to balance this working mom gig, I'll write the how-to book and make my millions.

My dad and Margie came last weekend and we celebrated my dad's birthday. I intended to make cupcakes, but never got around to it. My dad settled for a candle placed on his half eaten bagel. Cupcakes to come later. Happy Birthday Dad!
Monday we headed to Astoria where sturgeon season is under way. The girls are bunking together now and loving it. The first night I think they were still wrestling around two hours after we put them in bed. Luckily, the novelty seemed to wear off and the next nights weren't quite so rowdy.
Ice cream (after riding the carousel) in Seaside.
Beach time! We played on the beach in Gearhart because you can drive your car right onto the beach. That means when you open the car doors, you're there. That's priceless when you're packing around little people who are not fans of walking while carrying things.
Peyton loved throwing the ball for Grunny, but we need to work a bit on her technique. She totally throws like a girl.
Action shot....
Beautiful Oregon.
Beautiful girl.
When we got home the girls found (and played with) their umbrellas. I jumped up and grabbed my camera to get this shot of Peyton trying to bring hers inside. She was so frustrated.
My little wicked one. She was so sad that Peyton didn't want to dance with her.....
Then, I told her I'd dance with her......
I think I've mentioned that Peyton loves doing everything her sister can do? Well, now Libby can open her car door all by herself. So, naturally Peyton thinks she can too. This morning it took us forever to get out of the driveway. She insisted on opening her own door and wouldn't let me come within ten feet of it for fear that I'd open it for her. If I even thought about making a move in her direction, she'd scream at a volume worthy of calling child protective services. Heck, I almost called them myself. The problem is that she can't do it. So, after letting her struggle with it for awhile, I managed to stand in my open doorway and reach through to open her door from the inside, all the while letting her believe she'd done it herself. It's a win win. Victory for all involved. I'm hoping she'll build some strength though, so we don't have to go on with this little charade for too long. If only I had a minivan, then I could open her door with the push of a button. But the problem with that is, well, I'd be driving a minivan.

Our last stop today was the grocery store. Peyton was tired, unopen to any redirection from me and insisted on standing in the big part of the cart. Every once in a while she'd sit on the edge and balance her little tush on the 1/2" lip. Rather than fight her on it (or take her to the ER), I took both girls out of the cart and let them run like wild boars through the store. Grunting, snorting and squealing. I'd like to think the other shoppers thought it was adorable, and frankly they were. Make no mistake, little girls can get away with things toddler boys cannot. It's true. Unfair, but true. Just as cute as my devilish little Peyton, was her big sister who walked beside her and said, "Excuse us." to the other shoppers. No joke. She's already learned to apologize for her sister.

Peyton walked up to this display of peppers and just before she could pull out the one on the bottom, toppling the entire display, I tackled her to the ground. No, not really. But I do think that happened to some other poor mother of toddlers today, because if you look closely at the green ones, they've been re-stacked. Luckily, mine didn't do it. I should've let you think they did.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mealtime Monsters

We do our best to try to teach some manners and general social etiquette around meal times, but who are we kidding? Nobody in this house has attended finishing school. Peyton gets more and more active everyday. As I'm sitting here she's using her small chair to climb into the windowsill and then dancing in the middle of their small table. That was tonight's mealtime activity too. Tonight, rather than correct, correct, correct, I decided to sit back and let it happen. Soon enough they'll be teenagers with their own activities that interrupt dinner, but not yet. Here was the conversation at dinner tonight:

Libby Peyton Me

"Peyton, are you a Scottish festival?"


"Do you have balloons?"


"Can you share your balloons?"


"Okay, here's your ticket. (pretends to hand out tickets) J. R. B. S."

(Car honks. Grunden Barks.)

"Mom, who honked?"

"Someone next door."

"I bet they changed. I bet they changed their furniture. Peyton...... are you normal?"


(Peyton falls out of her chair, cries and climbs onto my lap.)

"Peytie, look at me. Are you okay?"


"Are you a boo boo?"


"Peytie, look."

(Libby opens her mouth to show Peyton her chewed food, then continues to eat)

"Mom, how will I brush my teeth when I'm bigger and I lose my teeth?"

"Um..... you'll brush the ones you still have."

"Peytie, can you share your......"

(Libby doesn't wait for an answer before she begins to eat from Peyton's plate.)

"Yeah. Mommy, mine. Mine, Mommy. Mommy, mine."

"Peyton, are you going pee pee?"

"Hey, no more pee talk at the table, please."

"Pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee......."

(Libby bites her napkin and smiles at Peyton who proceeds to rip the napkin out of Libby's teeth tearing it into pieces. They do this a few times. Peyton slaps Libby in the face. Libby seems not to mind and giggles. Libby then spins sideways and turns upside down in her chair with her head under the table, feet waving in the air. Peyton attempts to climb onto Libby, but falls short and lands on the floor. I correct all behavior and tell the little monsters to....)

"Everyone, eat."


"Me too. I'm done too, Mom."

Meal over. Mom tired.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sum, Sum, Summertime

The warm weather not only opens possibilities for ways to spend our day, but it also gives us livable square footage. I likey more square footage. Here Libby serenades the neighborhood at the top of her lungs. She went through every song in her repertoire. I was, at one point, tempted to ask her to turn down the volume, but then I thought better of it. This kid has a need to perform. Check out her socks. Very Wicked Witch of the West. Broadway, look out.
Monkey see. Monkey do.
We've just taken the bouncy house out of storage. Hello, toddler energy zapper. I have missed you....
Monkey see.
Monkey do.
I wonder if it gets old to look at pictures of my kids making bubbles.... I never get tired of it.

I can't remember the reason for that head of hair, but I'm going to assume Peyton had just woken from napping. I mean, wow.
Every year at this time the Lutheran church down the street has a Scottish Festival. I always wonder about it, but we've never gone. This year we did. We paid nine dollars for two hot dogs and sat in the grass to listen to some music. It was great. First, we listened to the Eugene Highlanders play their bag pipes. I couldn't help but think of my Grammy. She absolutely hated the sound of bag pipes. She'd say, "That's the most God awful sound I've ever heard. Why anyone would like listening to bag pipes....." Anyway, I had a little chuckle and thought of her as we sat and enjoyed (a shaved ice and) the bag pipes.
Peyton's working on the potty and sometimes the feeling strikes when we're riding bikes in the driveway. We don't fret it, though. Grunden provides privacy. Sort of.
Hello summer of no pregnancies and no breast fed babies! I'm back! Do you like lemon drops? I make a mean one! The other night I had two. Only two, but I had the headache in the morning to prove it....
The indoor playground where we're members had their summer kickoff party last week. Shane took charge of painting our girls' hands as Libby didn't want her face painted. And Peyton wants whatever Libby wants. Always.
The party did Peyton in. She slept like this for at least an hour and kept sleeping after Shane put her in her bed.
Cinnamon toast. Yum.
This is my child. And this is how she arrived at the dinner table one night last week. Wearing nothing but a swim suit and a pair of boys underwear on her head. To each their own.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A License to Teach

Guess what I have in my hot little hands?! Well, not exactly in my hands, but in my email inbox..... A renewed Oregon teaching license! Oh yeah! Next up, a paycheck. C'mon j-o-b job!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Shoes

Thanks to my friend Rachelle, the girls just inherited some new clothes and ski equipment. Look who loves her new pair of Converse.....
...and yes. They're on backward.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rewind (and the evolution of birthday cake)

Despite blogging a lot lately, I've bypassed weeks worth of stuff that I wanted to go back and post.

The girls share a moment with our neighbor buddy Kyle.
Lucy and Amy came from Portland a few weeks ago and our girls had so much fun together. We had great weather and spent much of the weekend outside.
Lucy admires herself in Uncle Shane's bumper.
I think Lucy is going to be an abstract artist. Here she creates a display I'd like to title "Three Car Pile Up"....
....and then she sat down to admire her masterpiece.
We went a birthday party that Sunday to celebrate with our friend Lauren who turned four. It was a pirate party, Arrrrrr! These be me wee buccaneers...
Guess who's sleeping in a big girl bed? She even stays in it most of the time. Although recently she's been spending her first few minutes loading up her bed with (and then sleeping on top of) books.
This was the scene on my front step the morning of my birthday. I have great friends....
It's Bebo! Can you believe that? A balloon, a cake, donuts and Dutch Bros....
Well, hello!
After. A plate would've been an unnecessary formality. Have I mentioned my love of white cake with white frosting?
Peyton decided to put on her boots and play in the rain before I could even get her out of her pajamas.
Later in the week (to the girls) my cake looked like this...
....but, on the other side, this.
My birthday. My cake. I killed it. All. By. My. Self.
Potty training can be dangerous, so Peyton wears a helmet. After I took this picture she took off her pants, traded her Crocs for tap shoes and went to the driveway to dance.
Just a little light yard work. What's with men and tools?
Bedtime with my girls
Peyton's (out)growing.
Someone's got a party trick. This kid's gonna be a hoot in college.
Last week in Bend we rode our bikes to the park. Libby was such a trooper and made it almost the entire way on dirt and gravel by herself. I was prepared to get her home if she wore herself out, though. And worn out she was.
Bubbles never disappoint.
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