Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Pre-Easter Look Back

Weekends are all about catching up, which I never fully do. Only seven weeks left of this school year, but who's counting?
A few weeks ago Peyton found a pair of tights in her drawer. She calls them leggings and leggings are her favorite pants to wear. I cracked up at these though, because they're a little small and walking was a bit of challenge.

My tutu girl.

I completed this little project over Spring Break. The girls each have their own set of hooks for coats and backpacks. The best part though, is the empty bench on the left. I haven't seen the seat of that bench in years.

We did a day trip to Portland during Spring Break too. Stop one was Debra's house to play. My girls love to play with Audrey's toys, and they always have a new vehicle to cruise the streets in when we come.

Stop two was Amy and Lucy's. Then, The Spaghetti Factory for dinner. It was late and all three girls were at their breaking points, but we tried. We got a great dinner and some balloons out of it.

A weekend in Bend gave the girls a chance to play with the boys' ipod touches. So fun!

I love my home town.

A few weeks ago we got an early start on Easter eggs. Shane was so meticulous and careful with his, right up until he dropped it. If you could've seen his disappointment.....

Monster Feet!


I got Libby a preschool workbook from Walmart. She loves it.

And she's starting to put together the idea of letters, sounds, spelling and reading. Time, you're moving too fast.

Monday, April 25, 2011

So Many Ideas

We had a very full weekend, which I'll post about later.

This is the conversation Libby and I had in the car on the way home yesterday:

"Mom, can we jump on clouds?"
"No babe. They're just water vapor. We'd fall right through."
"What if we put a trampoline on top of it?"
"No. The trampoline would fall right through it, too."
"What if we taped the trampoline to it?"
"Um. I don't think that would work."
"No. They're made of water. Glue won't stick to water."
"Maybe if we dried the cloud out first. Then, the trampoline would stay on it."
"Yeah, maybe."

Then a few minutes later she held up her hand and said, "Mom, my thumb and pinky are a little on the small side."

So, remember how my kids feel about leprechauns? Those little green guys have got NOTHING on the Easter Bunny. Or as we like to refer to him, the fluffy hare of HOLY TERROR. What have I done to my children?

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Discovery Day Off

Today was a (fabulous) furlough day for me and the weather took a much needed turn for the better. I've been wanting to take the girls to the A.C. Gilbert Children's Museum in Salem for awhile now, and since it wasn't a holiday or weekend (no crowds) and the weather was decent, today turned out to be the perfect day. The girls loved it and we'll definitely be back!

Libby steers clear.

I think the best part, or at least the part where we spent most of our time, was the enormous play structure. And by enormous, I mean eNORmous. Huge. GiGANtic. When we first got there, Shane and I tried to tag team the girls so we could keep track of them, which proved nearly impossible. Luckily, since it wasn't at all crowded, we could usually see Libby and keep track of Peyton by her voice. She's louder than most, you know.

The bottom of Libby's feet as she tries to navigate above me.

Peyton liked the sternwheeler and the train.

I chased Peyton up to the top and then she fearlessly sat herself in the slide and was gone. I knew the fastest way to get to wherever she went was just to follow, but I second guessed this decision because it was pitch black inside and went on forever. I also worried that she might stop herself and I'd plow into her. Neither was the case and the girls (especially Libby) loved the slide. They went over and over.

After one trip down the slide Libby jumped out and ran for the top again without missing a beat. As she climbed she shouted, "I can't believe you taked me here!"

Let's swing!

Peyton and I get brave.

Libby loved milking this cow and kept coming back to it.

The bubble room.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Quotes Just Keep Coming....

In the car today, Libby says, "Peytie, are you my dork?"

Then, this afternoon in response to Libby's treatment of her sister I found myself saying, "No, you can't keep your sister out of your house because you're four and she's two. It's age discrimination. It's illegal, not to mention unkind. Now, open the door and let her in." Returning to the classroom is definitely having an impact on my parenting. I did do a little research, though, and I think the law only applies to people over the age of 4o. Can that be right? Either way, I think I'll keep that to myself.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Four-Oh, Big Sister!

Happy 40th birthday today to my big sister! We've known each other for almost thirty eight of them. You've had many roles over the years, but as adults I'm happy that we can call each other friends. I love you so much! Here's to the next forty....

You are....








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