Monday, June 23, 2008

Where Did the Week Go?

I can't believe how this week has flown by. It feels like we were at the hospital yesterday, and it blows my mind that Peyton is already a week old. She is such a good natured baby, and I feel so blessed to have these two little nuggets in our family.

Shane will be home tomorrow night after a busy sturgeon season and we "the girs" can't wait to have him home. Our families have been such great support during the past week grocery shopping, cooking, giving baths, taking walks with Libby, throwing the ball for Grunny and helping organize the girls rooms. Still, our adventure as a family of four feels like it will be starting tomorrow, and I know Libby especially can't wait to have her dad home.

My mom helped me brave my first trip out with both girls yesterday. We went to Target for some diapers. Cathy, our next door neighbor offered to pick the diapers up for me, but I've been itching to get out of the house, and going it alone for the first trip was a little daunting. We took the new jogging stroller (love the wide isles at Target), and it worked great.

Then, today we picked up a picnic at Burger King and took it took the park along the river trail. Libby's favorites were the chicken nuggets (a first for her), and walking the foot bridge with Grammy Jane. After that, we made another stop at Target and Costco. I ran into Target leaving the kids in the car with Grammy Jane. I can't remember the last time I just ran into the store to grab one or two things without taking anyone in with me. Libby came into Costco with me, and walked herself like such a big girl!

We're looking forward to a great summer. We'll be heading over the mountain some, but staying home more than in the past few years. I'm sure we'll be walking by the river, going for bike rides, and doing a little bit of camping. Mostly, we're just hanging out and enjoying family and friends.

1 comment:

rachel said...

Isn't it funny how we consider running into a store without kids HUGE??? Enjoy it every chance you get.
Love the bike paths here in town. We just walked one tonight down by the river to Alton Baker. My favorite!

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