Saturday, October 2, 2010

This is harder than I thought it would be....

These are some pictures from the last few weeks, but going back to work hasn't left with me with a ton of energy to spare which is why I blog, like.....never. Besides that, I've had to totally reset my internal clock. I used to get up with the girls, get some of my things done during naps and blog at night after they'd gone to bed. I'd go to bed by 12:00, or sometimes even 1:00. Not even an option now. I've gotta maximize my time, so getting out the door early is best. Or so I thought. Last week my little monkeys were up at the crack of dawn wanting to be held and crying as I walked out the door. Under those circumstances, I really hate walking out the door. As their mom, it goes against everything in me. I know they recover quickly once I'm gone, but that doesn't make me dread any less, the possibility of tears tomorrow morning and Libby begging me to stay. It'll get easier, right? And I have GREAT support. How do people do this by themselves?

The biggest challenge I'm faced with right now is that I have a job that I care about. It matters to me to do my best when I'm there. Which makes turning the job off when I walk out of school, nearly impossible. I find myself having absent minded conversations with my family while thinking about what needs to happen before I show up at school tomorrow. It's never ending. I know people do it. If they can, I can. At least that's the delusion I keep telling myself. I'm looking for that balance that other moms seem to find. My teeter has tottered way heavy on the "I'matotallunatictothinkIcould'vemanagedallofthisflawlesslyandwithouttears" side of things.

So....balance. Still searching......

Dinner and hysterics with Kendal and Kolbi.

My little tech-tike said to me, "Mom, will you take my picture and upload it?"
Uh, yeah.

Trampoline Tug-o-War

Bouncin' with Grammy Jane

A less-than-cooperative subject

Komen couldn't stand my mom being zipped inside the enclosure where she couldn't get to her. So, she climbed up onto the trampoline and started looking for a way in.

P.S. I cannot believe I forgot to mention (just for venting's sake and this IS my platform) I also have a sore throat, and Grunden has fleas. But (victory motion here) I think I've single handedly got both under control.


Anna I. said...

I hear ya sister!

JEN said...

I know a lot of moms out there who feel your pain.... you're a great mom AND a great teacher, Jenny... those kids are blessed to have you! Hang in there, friend...

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