Saturday, September 25, 2010


I love my weekends! There's nothing better than being with my girls and today I talked them into a trip to Target with the lure of picking out new tubes of toothpaste and some Halloween candy. When we got to the Halloween isle, Libby reached up to push a button that I new would set this witch into motion and simultaneously, Libby's bladder. I caught her just before she pushed it and told her that even though this life sized witch is only a toy, pushing that button would likely make her move, and scare her out of her mind. So, Peyton toddled off to put back the pumpkins I told her to return, and Libby stood by me, but wouldn't take her eye off of the witch and her spooky friend. I told Libby she could stand by me and I'd push the button so she could see (from a distance) that the witch is just a toy and nothing to be feared. Sounds good, right? In retrospect I should've let Peyton get back from her little trek down the isle, first. Because by pushing the button and then going back to where Libby was standing I'd neglected to notice that Peyton was on the other side of the ghouls, and was too terrified to walk in front of them to get to where I was. So, she just stood in the middle of the isle, dropped what she was holding and cried. What mother does that? And the worst part is that my first instinct was to grab my camera.....

After I ran over and grabbed my terrified two year old.

Libby wouldn't come down off of her ledge till the witch stopped cackling.

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