Sunday, October 10, 2010


Remember last week when I claimed that I single handedly had my sore throat and Grunden's fleas under control? Well, in retrospect as I typed that bold statement I believe I heard, in the distance, laughter. Now, I know it was Mother Nature laughing in the face of such arrogance. She laughed at me and then..... she sent a flea infestation. Unfortunately, I'd treated Grunden with flea medicine that works when the fleas bite. They bite him, get a taste of the medicine in his bloodstream, and die a quick death on my kitchen floor. So looking back now sending Grunden to fish with Shane for the week was, in the words of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, a BIG MISTAKE. HUGE. Because without Grunden to feast on and die, they turned to the girls and I. They'd bite us and go right on living. Yesterday Libby said, "Grandma Margie, There are bugs in my bed." And there were. UGH.

This was a four day weekend. We spent day three out of the house while flea bombs were penetrating every nook and cranny smoking out the little crawly b@$+@!ds. Last night I put powder on the carpets and washed bedding. Today I shampooed carpets and started doing laundry to try to put our house back together. This morning after I loaded the girls into the car to run a few errands I turned the key and.... nothing. Dead battery. My fault, because I listened to the Duck game in the driveway yesterday since we couldn't go in the house.

Now, in the midst of all of it I know I'm blessed. Yesterday, Margie spent the day with me and the girls and we went to gymnastics, Red Robin for lunch and Barnes and Noble after. She didn't seem the least bit grossed out that we have bugs, and if she was, she hid it well. We finished with a stop at Costco and then home to open up (and air out) the house. Dave and Becky came over after I could get back into the house, turned the pilot back on on the fireplace which Dave had turned off for me earlier, helped me scrub the place top to bottom and Dave even treated our front and back lawn to get rid of fleas living in the grass. This morning, Toby jump started my car so I wasn't stuck at home. And as I sit here typing this Nelson just dropped off some smoked salmon and arranged a time this week that he'd fix the window of my car that won't go up or down. Are you kidding me? I have the best friends in the world.

Here's where I also give a shout out to Lacey for bringing Grunden home from the coast, and to Antone for bringing me a box of Borax after reading this post. What's a few fleas when you're well loved?

I'm easily overwhelmed these days. I don't think I'm doing mom as well as I did. I know I'm not doing it as well as I want. But, I have great support. Friends and family who love me and my family. It could be a lot worse. Some people wander around all day waiting to go to a meal and a bed at a shelter. I guess I'm grateful for my flea infested house. Besides, Grunny's home now, and I've only seen one flea all day. Though, this time I won't claim to have ANYTHING single-handedly under control. I know better.

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