Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Short Work Week...

We've shortened (or taken away completely) Peyton's naps, but some days are just too exhausting. Last Friday night Peyton did this while we ate dinner. I got her up shortly after so she could eat too.

Since Libby started school both girls love to color, cut, glue, assemble all things paper. My mom took them to The Dollar Tree and bought them each a book of construction paper. They've been in full production this week.

I've finished a little project of my own. I started this bracelet for Jayden last Christmas and have been carrying it around in my bag ever since. I finally finished it for him last weekend when they came for the Duck game. Better late than never....

Sometimes the littlest member has to fight for a vantage point.

Halloween paper chains

Grunny helped himself to the most comfy spot in the house and Peyton joined in.

Hey, toothy!

The girls are starting to be able to help with a few things around the house. Here Peyton clears her dinner plate.....

....and together we made the bed.

My dad and Margie got here Tuesday to help us watch the girls this week. First order of business, get grandpa on the trampoline. He entertained us and didn't get hurt. Two victories. And he even did a somersault. Yes Dad, that was a somersault, not a true flip. Sorry. :)

Shane grilled dinner on Tuesday night. We had salmon, corn on the cob, bread and rice.....and a grease fire. I ran to get my camera, when I guess I should've gone for the baking soda, but I had to get evidence recorded. Shane and I differ in opinion about his grilling ability. My opinion was confirmed when he yelled, "Bring me a glass of water!" Grease fire darlin'. You can't throw water on it. I know insulting your grilling skills is like insulting your manhood, but c'mon. Incidentally, dinner was awesome....and entertaining.

Empty beer glass and the need for baking soda. I wonder if there's a correlation?

I only worked a three day week this week because Thursday and Friday were furlough days. Woot woot! I got to take Libby to school which was awesome. I miss getting to do that with her. Here's my happy school girl after I picked her up. Isn't she getting big? She loves school and I LOVE that she loves school.

1 comment:

amyanderson08 said...

Love the last picture of Libby and the head shot of Peytie! What cuties!

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