Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

It's been a fun weekend of friends, family, bar-b-que, and of 4th weekend would be complete without The Pet Parade! This was Peyton's first, and she slept through the whole thing. Libby rode in the parade on the cruiser with Shane behind the wheel, and LOVED the popsicle she got at the end for being a participant. After the parade we met up with friends and family in the park and had some lunch. We finished the day with two bar-b-ques, lighting fireworks, and watching the display from the butte. It was an exhausting day for all, and as I'm sitting here blogging on the back deck at my mom's house I think every other member of my family is asleep.

A stretched out Peyton gets comfy in her boucy seat.

Grammy Pearl (99) meets Peyton (2.5 weeks) for the first time.

Libby loves the rocker at Grammy Pearl's house. Grammy rocked in it when she was a little girl!

A love for Grammy Pearl.

Heading down to the parade route.

Here comes the parade!

Wave Libby Girl! We tried to get her to wave, but she was SO serious!

Playing with Jamison and Jayden in the park.

Eating watermelon with Daddy.

Playing on the Tike Bike that mom rode when she was little. Get that motor going!


"bebo" said...

ok...i've finally had a chance to get caught up on the blog and as usual it's a festival of love, laughter and tears(of joy)! Soooo cute and i think "princess pey-pey" has the cutest feets in all the land! Libby...Bebo would like you look a bit more excited when posing for pix in new outfits:)xx And can you say CLEAVAGE!!! Knuckles to Shane! xoxo bebo
(for the record...that's not me giving grunny a bath..i'm the 43 year old blonde in pig-tails running around like a spaz with a Starbucks!)

Lindy said...

Hi Beans- I am writing this from mama beans house ;-) We love your blog. J said he ran into you guys. He said the girls are so stinkin cute. I wish we would have seen you at the pet parade. Lola loved it. Glad you guys had a happy 4th. Love ya, Lou

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