Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Long Boarder 2

I didn't write anything the last time I posted about the pictures of Shane's new hobby.....his longboard. When I first met Shane (in junior high) he was a total skater with the lamest haircut ever. He'd flip his hair around because it always covered one eye. Anyway, snowboarding followed, then took over, and eventually he gave up both. Since reliving the good 'ol days by taking up snowboarding again, he's decided he may as well be a skater again too. Thus, the long board. The best was the other night, on his debut we followed him out to the street to see what kind of radness he had to show us, the neighbor kid goes flying by our house doing a wheely on his short board. I didn't even know you COULD do a wheely on a skateboard. Shane looked like he'd totally had the wind taken out of his sails. Poor guy. He hung his head and said, "I'm just a fat guy on a skateboard." We (I) encouraged him by saying, "Yeah, but you're OUR fat guy. Now, get out there and show that kid how to carve that board." And that's exactly what he did. He's the best 'over 30' skater on our whole street. Scroll down to the bottom of the post for picture proof.
P.S. I barely had to nag him to get the helmet. He realized (mostly) on his own that it would be a good idea.

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