Monday, July 28, 2008

Movin' Out

I've spent the last few days packing boxes and hauling loads of teaching supplies from my classroom to our garage. Aauugh. I really hoped my fairy godmother would wave her wand and do the whole thing for me, because packing and moving really isn't my favorite. My mom and Julane helped keep me on task, as each time I walked through the door of my classroom my first instinct was to give up and go home. Anyway, with lots of help, and some good cleaning out I've vacated my classroom for this year. The person hired to teach third grade preferred to use her own things and I totally get it. I've taught in another person's space and it is hard to do. Libby discovered my classroom and loved it. There were so many great things for her to get into and she was occupied every time we went. I should be done moving this week.

Tonight, Shane planted a tree in the backyard because we desperately need afternoon shade in the summer. He did such a good job I think we might plant a second tree. Next week's project is to expand our shed out back so we have someplace to store my teaching life. Right now we can barely move in the garage.


Julane (Lussier) Dover said...

Good job Sissy!!! Missin' my girls already- hugs to you all. Love, Ju

rachel said...

Are you going to return to teaching in the future?

Morgan just finished up with third grade. You would've been a great teacher for her!!

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