Sunday, July 13, 2008

Long Time No See

You haven't heard from me in a few days, but for good reason. Shane left to finish his sturgeon season last Wednesday morning and I've been flying solo with the girls since he left. It's been awesome, and I really can't complain because Peyton makes things as easy on me as she possibly can. She just isn't much of a crier, and when she does cry it's because she's got something she's trying to say. However, I don't think the girls have slept at the same time during the day for the last five days. If Libby goes down for a nap it seems it's time to feed Peyton, and then I just want to sit and hold her realizing I have to do that every chance I get. I know now how fast 18 months can fly by and then you have a toddler, and you're finished with the baby stage forever. Sigh.

Now, here are some highlights from the last six days...

We are so fortunate that Libby LOVES being the big sister. She is so full of kisses and hugs for Peyton. Her newest thing is to give a bear hug (which is similar to a regular hug but she grunts when she gives it).

Peyton is almost a month old and she's becoming more and more alert all the time. She still does the cross-eyed thing which freaks me out once in a while, but I swear she's starting to smile at the sound of my voice. Shane says they're involuntary smiles over gas, but I know better.

She wasn't crazy about a bath at first, but seemed to warm up to the idea. She may just have her mama's love for being in the water.

Peyton sleeps well at night swaddled just like we always swaddled Libby. We worried at one point that we were coddling Libby by swaddling her. But, we asked our pediatrician and her reply was, "I don't care if you swaddle her until she's fifteen."

I needed an activity to keep Libby busy for a long time. This was a winner! That is until I turned my back, and caught her tossing the rest of her peas to Grunny. I guess you can only count on so much attention from a 19-month-old.

We brought the swing out for Peyton this week. She loves it. Libby's learning that this swing doesn't need any pushes.

My little laundry girl!

Libby saw me kiss Peyton't toes one time, and now she loves to do it too. She doesn't always bend far enough to kiss them, but pulls her feet toward her mouth.

The rest of the sturgeon season is only open Thurday through Saturday. So, rather than come home on his four days off, we decided to go to Shane. My mom is with us (which was a lifesaver in the car yesterday for four hours) and Shane and Grammy Jane are going to go clamming tomorrow. Today we drove down the beach, stopped to play and watch the kite boarders flying around in the surf. Shane called my bluff when I said, "I could totally do that."

This is last night. The first night in the trailer for peyton and Grammy Jane. And the first night for Libby and I since last summer. Libby was having so much fun bouncing around and decided on an impromptu headstand.

Peyton takes in as much as she can, but is largely exhausted by it all.

This year Libby can climb the ladder to the loft bed all by herself. Now we really have to watch her!

Grammy Jane brought a beach toy for Libby. She loves it!

Taking it all in...

Grunny is getting the exercise (if not the attention) that he deserves.

A family photo on the beach


rachel said...

What a great lookin family you got there, Jenny!

You know what that means when Libby is upside down looking through her legs?? My Tongan sister in law taught me this: It means the mother will be having more children.

Good luck with that.

Julane (Lussier) Dover said...

Missing you all!!! Looks like you're having fun. I gotta see the girls soon before I go into withdrawal. Oh yeah- and it would be fun to see you too! Love you, Ju

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