Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sick. And a Little Tired.

I took a half day off of work today because I've had a cold, or another sinus infection or some combination of both. Again. I can't really tell the difference anymore. Normally I just work through it. But last night I sat up with Peyton for a while after she came into our room and said her "tummy is full". In the past that has translated into "I'm about to throw up", so when you wake with that kind of alarm, it's hard to get back to sleep. Peyton's fine. I'm tired, stuffy and whiney.

When Shane and the girls got home I noticed Libby sounds stuffy now too, and she says she has a cough. Then, she proceeded to tell me that she and Peyton will need separate water cups at bedtime tonight because, "I'm sick and I don't want to get Peyton sick too."

Peyton, not wanting to be outdone by any of us says, "No, I'm sick! I'm sick too! I have the same cough as you, Libby!" (fake cough, fake cough)

Libby looks across the table and says, "Uuuuummmm, Yeah. That's not the same cough as me."

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