Friday, July 8, 2011


My mom called this morning to say that she was watching the space shuttle launch on CNN. We turned it on with only a few minutes to spare and watched history being made. The last space shuttle launch for.....well......who knows. I don't know why the space program, as I've known it in my lifetime, is coming to an end. But, this was a last opportunity, and we took advantage of it. Thanks Mom.

The announcer counted down the launch and as he said "....3....2....1....", Peyton yelled (right on cue) BLAST OFF!

As we watched the shuttle climb skyward, Libby remembered two balloons that she accidentally (devastatingly) let go of in the park on the Fourth of July. She asked, "Mom, Could an astronaut get my balloons?" I liked her thinking, but explained that those balloons likely popped or came back to Earth before ever making it to space. Then, she asked, "What if they had more helium?" Maybe a future scientist...

When I told them they were watching the final launch, Libby replied, "But Jayden launches rockets." True.

When she asked how the shuttle was made, I fumbled through a list of computers, rockets, fuel and fire, she said, "I know you have to put the pointy piece on top." True again.

After the launch was over, the CNN reporters were replaying it and taking input from various experts. Peyton chimed it with, "Mom! That the gil (girl holding a microphone) on Wipe Out!" Well, not exactly, but her references are limited.

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