Friday, July 22, 2011

Rope Swing!

I came into the kitchen this morning with the first goal being coffee and Libby says, "Mom, let's make a rope swing for our bedroom today. And let's do it while Daddy's not home so we can surprise him!"

Oh my gosh! She's Me!

It gets even better. Five minutes after our initial conversation, Shane came home and Libby says, "Daddy, can we build a rope swing for our bedroom?" He just stood there staring at her. And I think he's trying to find a way to answer without letting her down. And then he says (and I cannot believe my ears) "Um, lets go look at your room. Where do you want to put it?"

"What!?" I cannot believe what I'm hearing. He's never so eager to fulfill my ambitions. I usually get answers like:
"That's impossible."
"It wouldn't work anyway."
"That kind of torque on the eaves will ruin the exterior framework of our house."


But I've had a little revelation this morning.... He doesn't want to disappoint the adorable four year old when she asks. Ha! The possibilities! I need to take her out to lunch and explain to her how she has always wanted to add a second story to our house. One with a large master closet that includes a washer and dryer in the island.....

Later that day, the rope swing did get installed. But not in her bed room like she'd hoped. Don't you worry babe. We'll keep working on him together. And I think the goal was to make her happy. Mission accomplished (x2).

1 comment:

Julie said...

I was thinking the same thing! Go convince her of how awesome those cabinets and new island in the kitchen/dining room would be!

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