Sunday, April 3, 2011

20 Questions (Give or Take 5,000)

We made a whirlwind trip to Bend this weekend. Over in back in about 24 hours. We went so I could go to my sister's surprise 40th birthday party. She was totally surprised. More on that later....

On the way home Libby and I talked for two straight hours, which was actually pretty exhausting. It gave me a little insight as to who my kid is though, and what things weigh on her mind. So many questions, so little time. It's so hard to believe that at one time I was worried that she would never start talking.....

Momma? Why did Annie run away?
Momma? Why did the police chase her?
Momma? Why does Annie wear shorts under her dress?
Momma? Why will we die?
Momma? How did God make everything?
Momma? Did he make the dinosaurs?
Momma? Where did the dinosaurs live?
Momma? How will you die?
Momma? Will God die?
Momma? How come you never made a chair for my teacher?
Momma? Will you make me a bracelet out of string?
Momma? Can it be red, white and pink? And purple? I love purple.
Momma? Does the real Santa have hair?
Momma? Why does Miss Hannigan wear a costume?
Momma? Who's Annie's mom?
Momma? Why is the road red? (Cinders) It's pretty.
Momma? Can you get me an ipod? Sometime?
Momma? Why is Miss Hannigan so grumpy?
Momma? Why does Molly cry so much?
Momma? Why does Miss Hannigan make the girls scrub the floor?
Momma? Can I take ski lessons? I don't want to ride horses.
Momma? Did Daddy ever get bucked off his horse?
Momma? What was Daddy's horse's name?
Momma? What if we were orphans?
Momma? Can I have an Annie book like my movie?
Momma? How come we're out of gum?
Momma? Can I pick new gum at the store?
Momma? How come I can't chew some kinds of gum?
Momma? Can we write our own Annie book?
Momma? You should be Miss Hannigan for Halloween.
Momma? How old is Annie? Pepper? Molly?
Momma? What are the other orphan's names?
Momma? Why doesn't Annie have parents? (They died in a fire)
Momma? Did they burn or did they melt?
Momma? Could we put round things (curlers) in my hair, so it's like Annie's?
Momma? Who married Daddy Warbucks?
Momma? Why did Grace Farrel love Annie?
Momma? Is this a fast road?
Momma? Why are there car accidents?
Momma? Why are people in too much of a hurry?
Momma? Is that how people die?
Momma? What was Daddy Warbuck's job?
Momma? What was Grace Farrel's job?
Momma? Why did Annie take tennis lessons?
Momma? Can I watch Rapunzel again?
Momma? Why did Rapunzel's mom be so mean?
Momma? Why didn't she want to get old?
Momma? Why was Cinderella's stepmother not nice?
Momma? Why were the stepsisters jealous?
Momma? Why did she have a fairy godmother?

(insert story about a classmate of hers who yells and hits and jumps off of chairs and sometimes lands in time out.)
Momma? I can believe your kids at school don't jump off of their chairs.
That's breaking the rules.
That's not kind.

Momma? What does SBH spell?
Momma? Why isn't Cinderella's cat nice?
Momma? Cinderella's mice tried to jab him (the cat) with a fork.
That was not nice.
But that was so funny.
Momma? When we get home, if it's warm, can I wear a dress?
Momma? When Grunny dies can we get a cat? I'm not afraid of cats now.
Momma? Would our cat be nice or mean?
Momma? I like fish.
Momma? Do we still have our fish tank? The rocks? The food?
Momma? What's a bank?
Momma? What's a withdrawal?
Momma? Why are Cinderella's stepsisters not nice?
Momma? Why do they all want to marry the prince?
Momma? What days do I go to school? Can I add a day?
Momma? Grammy Jane has candy like medicine.
When I suck it, my throat feels better.
Momma? Is ice cream good for you?

At this moment Peyton wakes and yells, "Mom! Jayden not like ice cream!" and then she immediately falls back to sleep.

Momma? Why does some gum have bad sugar?
Momma? Cabellas is a pretty name for a store.
Momma? When will I be a mommy?
Momma? I'm going to be a doctor, and a teacher and have an ipod.
Momma? Why did we go to Bend?
Momma? What are you writing?

Yes, I wrote while I drove. Barely. Without looking. It was sloppy, but effective. I have to keep track. There are so many questions that need answering.....

For most of the time it took me to write this Libby was asleep on a chair in the living room. Pondering life's biggest questions is really exhausting work.

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