Friday, December 5, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving on the Mckenzie river at Kevin and Susan's cabin. Shane's grandma Betty came from Medford and Scott, Amy and Lucy came from Portland. It was a very relaxing day to just hang out with family and we even had another birthday celebration for Libby. Can you say spoiled?

Libby plays with her Aqua Doodle that Grammy Jane gave her for her birthday.

Lucy ( 11 months) gets happy over her Thanksgiving dinner.

The boys (Kevin, Shane and Scott) relax on the porch after hanging the christmas lights.

Libby makes herself comfortable at the cabin.

Libby and Lucy play with Lucy's toys and books.

A family snuggle.

Lucy is a happy girl!

Libby eats a banana with her dad while she holds her new baby doll that she named Mimi. I think she actually named her Me...twice.

Peyton plays with Aunt Amy.

Grandma Betty and the girls.

Lucy takes a moment.

Peytie's favorite pastime..going for the toes.

On Black Friday we headed over the mountain to do very little shopping and then we took naps at Grammy Jane's house. Later that day we headed to Julane's house for leftover turkey dinner.

Jayden shows Libby the ropes on the computer.

Sharing the love..

Libby's impression of Peyton.

Jayden impersonates the girls.

On Saturday morning we went to my dad and Margie's house for breakfast. We were going to go for a walk too, but we ended up looking at house plans instead. They are about to take on major construction!

Having fun with GOOFY grandpa!

Peyton finds a good spot to take a nap...grandpa's lap.

We headed back to the Dover's on Saturday afternoon to watch the Duck game. Though we do have some Beaver Believers in the family, it was a GREAT day to be a Duck!

Peyton wears the right colors even if she is upside down.

My friend Mo and her son Will came by for some dinner and football. Here Will's playing peek-a-boo. Though I imagine most Beaver fans spent much of the game this way too.

Jayden and Libby took a break from football to bake cookies with Grandma Margie

Libby loved the tasting.

Ducks versus Beavers.

Libby gets in some trampoline time Sunday morning before we headed home.

We made it home in time to see Elmo Makes Music at the Hult Center. Libby loved it, and Peyton was mesmerized for the first half of the show. What a great weekend!

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