Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

This Christmas was so much fun with the girls! Since Libby just had her birthday she totally understands the tearing open of wrapped packages and was ready to go if ever one was set before her. Peyton, on the other hand, was content to chew on the wrapping paper until someone noticed and then took it away. All in all we had a great time, and were totally exhausted when it was all said and done. How fortunate we are!

We started a few days before Christmas morning. We had our own celebration at home with the girls who opened some new toys. Shane decorated Peyton for a photo op.

Look at those rosy cheeks!

When we got to my mom's house this is the scene we were met with...her favorite summertime fountain totally covered.

We spent Christmas Eve at Marge's (Julane's mother in law) house. My dad and Margie came and Marge made a great (as always) ham dinner. It turns out Santa comes early to Marge's house, so after dinner we headed to the living room to open some gifts.

The littlest Christmas elf.

A Christmas Eve snuggle with Grandma Margie.

Christmas morning we headed to Jim and Julane's house for more celebrating. Mom and Julane put the turkey in around 9:00 and then the paper began to fly. Here is Jim and Jamison playing Mario Kart on the Wii. The boys also unwrapped a new Rock Band 2. Check out those pictures below.

Libby contemplates this gift...big girl underwear.

A family photo. These are much harder to get than you'd imagine!

Ho ho ho!

Libby Models a new outfit from the Dovers.

Peyton was mesmerized by the snow in the globe. I think she was most interested in trying to eat it.

My mom and Jayden rock out playing Rock Band 2. Jayden's on guitar and my mom's on drums. Jim (not pictured) rocked the vocals.

On Friday morning we went to My dad and Margie's house for brunch, gifts, sledding and a round of Apples to Apples. Here Libby hauls her stocking and Peyton's to the living room to open them up.

Libby enjoys a candy bracelet from Santa.

After gifts, we headed out to the road to sled on the hill by their house. Unfortunately, the road got sanded the night before which left us a pretty narrow track down the right side. It was hard to get up much speed without a lot of weight, so we had to get creative. Do you know how hard it is to fit two adults onto one disc sled? Not easy, but quite comical!

Here Shane hauls Peyton to the sledding hill in her car seat. No, we didn't send her down the hill....she slept through the whole thing.

Libby works on her snowball technique.

Dad brought his shovel to try to clear our path of cinders. Yes, his hat has horns.

Aunt Julane and Libby tackle the hill.

The boys resorted to playing in the snow along the side of the road as they had a hard time getting the sleds to go. Here he keeps an eye on Jamison....

and Jamison contemplates taking out his brother.

Snowy fun with daddy.

Libby and I have some laughs of our own.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

rachel said...

Great pics Jenny! Merry Christmas.

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