Thursday, December 11, 2008

December is Flying

December is flying by. It's almost half over. Peyton will be six months old next week and Christmas will be here before we know it. The girls and I went to the mall today and Libby was totally afraid of Santa, but was willing to get close enough to take the coloring book he offered her. Christmas will be fun this year, but Santa will be a small part of it.

Peyton has found her hands.

While afraid of Santa, Libby is a huge fan of Elmo.....

...and a good buddy to Grunny.

Libby blows out the candle on her "cake".

I got shampoo!

Peyton is sitting up with a little help from her Boppy pillow. It doesn't totally do the job though, and eventually she tips over.

Okay, I have to explain this one. Every year I go to a Christmas cookie exchange party with my friend Becky. My cookies are always ugly. They usually taste good, but don't even make the table, let alone win a prize. Until....this year! You are looking at the cookies responsible for my title of MOST CREATIVE COOKIE. Yep, this is seriously blog-worthy. Becky's were voted prettiest cookie, and Corey's were voted ugliest, a title I think she was proud of. By the way, the idea came from one of my third graders who made these for her "how to" speech. I'd like to thank the little people who made it all possible. Pressure's on for next year!

I feel shy.

Our sleepy girl eats her breakfast monkey style.

Trying on the Christmas duds.

Libby shows her dimples.

These pictures were an attempt to get a cute shot for our Christmas card. We were in our driveway, and I didn't want Peyton falling on the pavement, so I asked Libby to hold onto her. This was the result. Not exactly card worthy.

On second thought, it would make a unique card.

Peyton sits at the counter like a big girl.

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