Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Peyton is .5!

Peyton was six months old yesterday. In honor of the big day she devoured a whole jar of sweet potatoes and we are officially done with those sweet smelling, easy to tolerate poopy diapers. Now, we're into the big stuff. Sweet potatoes in....and not so sweet potatoes out. We love her just the same. She's sitting up by herself...right before tipping over. Libby provides lots of comic relief by trying to help her back up.

I am LOVING taking pictures with a new camera and thought I'd give some still life some consideration. Perhaps I should've pick a different fruit than a kiwi.....

We decorated our tree tonight and Libby had the most fun. She loved getting into the boxes and unwrapping the ornaments as if each one were its own special present. Then, she'd hand them to Shane to hang on the tree. I told Shane after we'd finished that I don't care if we pop popcorn and throw it on the tree. If the girls always have as much fun decorating the tree as Libby did tonight, then let our traditions evolve as they may. The popcorn idea came after an unsuccessful attempt at untangling the lights. I threw (not in anger) the whole tangled mess on the tree and it stuck near the top. It actually didn't look horrible, and I considered leaving it. I'm just too type A for that, and so I did take them down and string them properly.


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