Thursday, August 28, 2008

Green Thumb

I have to begin this post with this disclaimer....It is absolutely unintentional that Libby gets so much more photo time than Peyton. For 35 years I grinched about being the second child that nobody cared to take pictures of. There were so many pictures of my older sister, Julane. Now, I get it. And I'm even trying really hard to take the pictures, it's just that the girls are at such different stages. Any activity we do together means Libby and I are interacting and Peyton is doing what Peyton does best, sleeping. Furthermore, I'm usually the one with the camera in my hand and I'm often carrying Peyton in a pack which makes capuring her on film that much more difficult. So Peytie Pie, I'm sorry. I'll try harder. I'd like to think that when you are almost two, and having all kinds of new discoveries we'll take as many pictures of you as we did your sister. I'll do my best.

Here we are at yet another park. This one has a play structure that I can easily chase Libby on, while wearing Peyton. Libby did laps. There were only a handful of other kids so she basically had the whole structure to herself.

Libby is such a GIRL! Picking flowers is a favorite pastime whenever there's grass.

For years I have wanted to surround our fire pit with some green plants to finish off the look. I finally went to the nursery with the girls and got our plants. Libby loved running the paths at the nursery.

Eating a Yum Bowl for lunch

Unloading the plants from the car

Riding atop the potting soil

A great experience at Walmart.... (and I never have a great experience at Walmart :) So here we are in the parking lot at Walmart on Wednesday morning. We got our breakfast at McDonalds (don't judge me) on the way there. We got to Walmart and I sat Libby in the passenger seat to eat her breakfast. Whil we were sitting there a cute little elderly man pulled up next to us and Libby waved at him. He waved back and went in to do his shopping. A short time later the man returned with a single shopping bag and got in his car to leave. As he's about to back up he and Libby made eye contact and she waved goodbye to him. I could see the lightbulb go off. He stopped his car, opened his shopping bag and took out two individually wrapped cookies. Then, he came over to our car to share his cookies with us. It was so sweet and Libby loved it. He told us about his grandaughter at home and showed us her picture. He peeked at Peyton and wanted to go and get another cookie for her. I thanked him but said she was still too little for cookies. It was such a nice moment and he was such a sweet man.

My little green thumb helps with the potting soil.

An expert with a hose.

An impromptu dressing up with the oven mits.

Peyton doesn't seem to mind that there aren't nearly as many pictures of her. She considers herself number one.

We had a Birth to Three playgroup at Ara's last night and Ara had all kinds of love for Libby. She wasn't entirely sure about his affection, but held still while he loved on her anyway.

Garret brings down the house on the xylophone while Ryan is his number one fan.

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