Wednesday, August 20, 2008

10 Pounds 8 Ounces

We all went to Peyton's two month doctor's visit, and what a big girl she is! 10 lbs., 8 oz. to be exact and her chubby cheeks don't lie. She's healthy, happy, and getting chubbier by the minute!

What a goofy girl!

Libby had some fun of her own with daddy.

Libby tells Peyton all about going to the doctor. I think she's warning her about the shots to come. Peyton really screamed, but not for too long.

Blowing bubbles is one way to keep Libby entertained, and therefore sitting still.

Nelson called last night to invite the girls and I to Amy's for Valerie's birthday dinner. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALERIE! Here Libby is having so much fun in Amy's butterfly chair. Amy made fish tacos, and Valerie got a cruiser from her family. We'll all be able to cruise around the neighborhood together.

Valerie and Mark have some snuggles for Peyton.

Libby helped me get out her little floor gym for Peyton today. Seems Libby has been missing it. and was happy to share with her sister.

Libby was fascinated with the bag of garbage from our bathroom. She drug it around the bathroom floor and then lost interest in it because she discovered some mascara in the drawer. She snuck the mascara out of the bathroom and when I found her in the entry, she had it open and who knows what she was about to do with it. I yelled, "No!" She jumped because I had totally startled her, and immediately had a total meltdown. In the midst of huge tears I asked her if she wanted to take the garbage out and she did. Who knew garbage would be a good distraction?

Grammy Jane called this morning and asked what we were doing. She said her golf game wasn't going too well, and she needed an upper.....and did we want company? Is the sky blue? Well, today it wasn't, but you know what I mean. Anyway, she showed up at about 4:30 with plastic cups and balls for Libby. Putting cups in balls is a favorite activity when we visit Grammy Jane. The activity was a big hit, and I'm sure we'll be doing more of it in the morning.

Peyton has decided she's not too interested in going to bed tonight, so she is swaddled on the ottoman and about to make a fuss. My mom and I have both been staying up way too late watching the olympics and tonight is no different. I love watching the olympics and am a little bummed that the gymnastics is over. Shawn Johnson is a favorite. Tonight we're watching the diving. Gotta go, Peyton's going alley cat on me.....

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