Sunday, August 10, 2008

Breakfast in Bed

This is a short post, but I had to do it because I havn't been so spoiled in a while. I was up with Peyton about 7:30 this morning, but fell asleep right after I fed her. I fell asleep hard. You know that kind of sleep where when you wake up your shoulder hurts because you've been in the same position for a too long? The kind of sleep where the things you hear on the t.v. actually become part of your dream? That's how I was sleeping. Well, I slept that way until Shane woke me up at 10:35 with breakfast in bed. Shane had both girls in the kitchen. Peyton was swinging happily and Libby was eating her breakfast. I stayed in bed, ate my breakfast and watched a little of the Olympics. What a way to wake up. I'm hoping for pancakes tomorrow.....

1 comment:

rachel said...

I love that kind of sleep. LOVE LOVE it.
Good for your sweet hubby to spoil you like that. Aaahh... enjoy it every chance you can!

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