Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Entire Week Gone By...

Life has been busy! We had a busy weekend with houseguests from Wednesday-Monday so there's been no blogging. There has however, been lots of picture taking so here is our week in pictures.

Grandpa Dad and Grandma Margie had an impromptu visit with us on Wednesday night as their other plans fell through. Then, on Thursday they headed for the coast. Libby walked them out to the camper.

Peyton hangs out in a pair of pajamas that I swear fit Libby two weeks ago.

The Bend Groshongs came on Thursday night and Ryan hooked up our hot tub for us! Thanks Cuz! Olivia was dying to give Peyton a bath and Jen and Blake were willing to help. Thanks Jen. Sorry I didn't warn you that Peyton's not a big fan of being submerged in water. She smells good though:)

Olivia and Peyton snuggle on the couch.

I got the Bumbo seat out of the attic and since it was Peyton's first time in it, I put her in a pair of Pajamas that Libby also wore. Check out these next two pictures.. The first one is Peyton and the second is Libby.

Peyton Shane

Libby Jane

Beware of growth hormones. We gave Peyton just a little and she woke up looking like this....

Peyton after a trip to Build-a-Bear workshop. I went with Jen, Olivia and Blake and this was the purchase I made. Libby was so weirded out by seeing her sister with hair that I don't think she was even sure it was Peyton. She kept coming up close to her saying, "hi,hi,hi" as if to verify that this was still Peyton.

Worn out from playing dress up.

Libby in her first Duck gear of the season. Go Ducks!

A first for a kid who finally has enough teeth to take on the cob!

Jamison hangs out on Saturday. Isn't he handsome? He started fifth grade this week!

Daddy snuggles the girls. I didn't notice at the time that Libby is trying to eat Peyton's foot.

Libby takes a stab at being the baby again. She's a total ham!

Peyton's first time in the excersaucer. It was fun....for a short period of time.

We're bouncing! We'd been kicking around the idea of getting some kind of play structure, but opted for the bouncy house instead, since it can be put away. It's a huge hit, and Libby is fearless! She likes to climb up the slide and launch off the back. Today she got the idea of bouncing and I think she even caught a little inch or two at least.

Peyton dreams of the day when she can bounce too.

When we bought our house I loved the idea of kids sitting at the island during that crazy evening hour while I made dinner. Today that dream became a reality. I made dinner and Libby sat up on a barstool like a big girl. I quizzed her on some new words and she repeated them. Her latest is, "yes". It was a great moment. It ended with a dinner of taco salad. My girls are growing and changing so fast!

1 comment:

rachel said...

Those pics in the Bumbo are crazy! They look like the same baby. How neat is that?!

A bounce house?? Your little angel has no idea how lucky she is. You may find me and Christian sneaking in your backyard one of these days for a bounce! ;)

Keep up the posts. I love em!

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