Friday, February 24, 2012

Number Two is Two Wheelin'

Look at my baaaaaaaaaaaby! Two wheels!
Yesterday, when I got home from work, Shane was tinkering working in the garage and Peytie was riding her Strider bike in the driveway. I got out of the car and watched her for a minute while Shane beamed with pride at having accomplished getting her off of her tricycle and onto the Strider bike. Puh-leeeeez. I watched her. She was balanced. I knew she was ready, so I suggested abandoning her Strider bike for her Dora bike. Shane couldn't believe I'd be so horrible as to undermine him. Through clenched teeth he hissed, "Why would you say
that? Look at her. She's doing awesome."

We teachers know these things. We can see ready. She eagerly got on her Dora bike. We did a few laps up and down the street last night so she could find her balance. Grammy Jane took them, and their bikes, to the park today. They were both crashed out on the couch when I got home from work this afternoon; wiped out from their time at the park. Then, when Shane got home tonight Peyton (in her pajamas) rode laps in the driveway while he watched from the garage. Thirty minutes in she wanted to keep riding. It started to rain. She wouldn't quit. She fell off and cried. Then she got back on and kept riding, always refusing help. When the rain pounded harder she finally conceded to coming inside. This momma loves her determination. Daddy was giddy. Her stubbornness, though it will cause her some trouble in the years ahead, is gonna serve her well....

1 comment:

Debra said...

Love it! Hmmm....independent, determined...she sounds like her momma! Happy weekend and bike riding to you!

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