Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Recap (In Pictures)

It's not that I haven't posted on my blog in awhile, but it's been a really long time since I've put up any pictures. So, here goes....

A lazy weekend morning.

Over Christmas Break I was on a mission to clean out some school/artwork belonging to the girls whilst preserving everything. I separated into two piles and took digital pictures of all of it with the intent of making an iBook. Now, I just gotta order that book. That will be my Spring Break project.

A gorgeous winter day at the park. We thought we'd be the only ones there. Boy, were we wrong.

The girls "wrote" these stories and I must've emailed it to myself. I can't think of another reason I'd have it on my phone. Their stories clearly have roots in some familiar children's classics.

Peyton fell asleep in the car one day while my mom ran in to Fred Meyer, Libby took advantage of the vacant front seat.

This is Peyton giving her own acceptance speech as we watched the Academy Awards.

This is for you, Grandpa Dad.

Libby models my new boots. Aren't they cute? That's not to say I didn't have a skinny jeans crisis upon receiving them. I mean, skinny jeans. Just the name is loaded with pressure. I wrestled around with it for a few weeks before deciding maybe I just needed to return the boots. I mean, nothing will ruin cute boots faster than me in a pair of skinny jeans. I explained my crisis to Anna Lisa. She texted me to quit worrying. She'd gone to and four pairs of jeans were on their way via FedEx. Are you kidding? That's a friend. Someone who'll shop for you in a crisis. I kept two pairs of jeans, and the boots. Turns out you don't have to be skinny to wear skinny jeans. Ha!

Grandpa Dad does stories at bedtime one night.

Shane recently got out his old fly tying box. It's filled with beads, threads and colorful feathers. The girls were very interested.

Playing at gymnastics.


Last week when I picked the girls up from Tracy's house they were hanging out in the neighbors barn with the cutest little neighbors ever. I was in no hurry to leave the cuteness to get back to work. Kinda made me wish we lived in the country....

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