Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've been lamenting the jury summons sitting on the kitchen counter for a month now. I called the automated recording tonight to see if my number came up. It did. Ugh. That means I have to report to jury duty tomorrow. Double Ugh. I have to write sub plans. Ugh Ugh Ugh. I'm all for doing my duty, but tomorrow is early release day at school and we have two assemblies; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I never have such an easy day at school. What's worse is that we could end up having a snow day, but I'll have written sub plans and I'll still have jury duty. Bah Humbug. I was grinching to Shane about it tonight within earshot of Peyton. She stopped what she was doing, ran over to me, got right up in my face and said frantically, "But Mom! Will you still have your huh (hair)!?!"

I smiled and said, "Yes baby. I have jury duty, not chemotherapy."

I'm done complaining. I'll happily go to jury duty tomorrow. Thank you my Pea Pie, for a healthy dose of perspective.


starfall games said...
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Julie said...

Oh boog. I love you guys. Hope tomorrow isn't torturous.

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