Sunday, October 23, 2011


Wednesday afternoon the girls were dying to carve their pumpkins. They drew the faces and Daddy did the carving....

If you think this is scary....

.....check out this shot. hint: The neighborhood is worried we'll be giving out crack to trick-or-treaters this year.

Peyton's Masterpiece

This morning we went across the street to our neighbor Ava's second birthday party. It was a pajama party with coffee and homemade cinnamon roles. That's MY kind of party. Waiting for 8:30 to come, however, proved challenging for the littlest party goers in this house. Libby stood in front of the clock this way from 8:20 to 8:33, because I'm trying to teach her to be fashionably late.

After Ava's party we headed to the fabric store to put the finishing touches on these little gems. There's no way we'll be trick-or-treating in them because the girls can't really see where they're going. But, we did have some fun with them this afternoon. Libby was thinking she might want a monster party for her fifth birthday, so this was a trial run. Now, she says she wants to go to Build-a-Bear. Of course she does.

There is a medical clinic near our house that gets covered in a blanket of yellow every fall. The girls saw the leaves on the ground today and begged to play in them. Yes, yes and yes. But first I had to go home to get my camera.

I have to clarify one thing. I love taking pictures of my family and I aim to one day actually know something about photography. I don't, by the way. Anyway, my friend Amber commented on this picture last week and asked if it was a spontaneous display of affection by my girls. I'm nothing if not honest. I replied, "Ha! No." Most great shots I get happen by bribing, or threatening my children. But then, the shots are so sweet and love-filled it works as a counter balance to the orders I barked in the photo session. I've also heard that the secret to great photos is to take a million of them. That, I do. But I just wanted to come clean. Most shots I take look like this.....

.....and I'm thinking of making this our Christmas card.

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