Saturday, March 12, 2011

Unexpected Solitude

I had a professional development day on Friday. We had writing training all day, and then I was going to drive to Bend after. Was. Shane and the girls had gone to Bend on Thursday so he could snowboard on Friday. Thursday after school I ran around town kid-free. I went to the mall, grabbed a burger at Dickie Joe's, filled my car with gas and just before I made it home my car quit running right in the middle of me driving it. It was the weirdest thing. Nelson suspected my fuel pump was the culprit.

On Friday I rode my bike to work. At about noon I realized driving myself to Bend wasn't going to happen, but I'd also loved a quiet night on Thursday, so Friday night was like an added bonus. I'd laid on the couch, snuggled with Grunny and recharged. Today, I worked on a project for school and spent some time cleaning out toys (and the candy bowl); things I can't do in front of the girls.

In the name of seeing the glass half full here's what happened in the wake of me being stuck at home..... The minute my car died (on a quiet street by our house, not on the bridge on Beltline) Devin drove passed me, u-turned and kept me company while I waited for Nelson. Nelson came to my rescue despite that I called in the middle of the Duck game and he and Devin towed my car home. Then, he offered me a car to drive. When I got to school yesterday both Suzy and Amber told me I should've called and they'd have come to get me. Uncle Bones called today to see if I needed to go anywhere. Toby and Melissa handed me the keys to the car they weren't using today. Antone brought over a gas can, since tomorrow my tank will have to be drained. Do I have the best friends, or what? And though I was over the moon to see my family tonight, two full days of a quiet house and no duties whatsoever was a nice little vacation. I haven't done that in a long time. I'm looking forward to a little noise around here tomorrow....

P.S. I asked Peyton tonight what she wants to be for Halloween. "A fishing guide. Or a turtle."

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