Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nobody's Perfect

I kinda had high hopes that my girls would always be best friends, be kind and loving toward each other and always watch out for one another.


As it turns out, they have flaws just like every other human on the planet, and often if they're in a sour mood, they'll go looking for, and then direct their attack at each other. They tattle, blame and generally snit at each other. And if they're hungry or tired, look out. In fact, after Peyton inhaled a piece of pizza I offered her a mini bag of M&Ms in hopes that a shot of sugar will help the mood she's been spewing since she woke from her nap an hour ago. Things are looking better....

To give you an idea of what that mood was like, I sat down and rocked Peyton while she screamed and writhed around on my lap. Finally, I set her down and walked away. When she calmed down (and after she'd eaten) I asked if she wanted to sit with me again. She did. Then through tears and hiccups she said, "Mom, Libby gave me her hiccups!" Followed by more tears. Sigh.

This too shall pass. This too shall pass. This too shall pass.....

....and for those of you who knew me as a kid, I can hear you. It's not funny. Seriously. Stop laughing. Whatever.

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