Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cabin Fever, and Other Nasty Viruses.....

We were supposed to go to Bend this weekend. Our good friends are due in the coming weeks with baby boy number two, and the plan was to celebrate his impending arrival with them this weekend. It wasn't meant to be. Both girls, in the last two weeks, have had duel ear infections, I've had who knows what, that clogged my head, changed my voice and now has me coughing. My mom had it to. Guess who gave it to her? Ugh. The girls' pediatrician said the cure is for school to end, the weather to change, and for all of us to stop breathing all over each other. That doesn't bode well for this family over the next few months. We have lots of people to breathe on before school is out. Here's hoping for a healthier spring.....

Anyway, Shane, God bless him, let me sleep in till eleven yesterday morning. Something I haven't done since...... before kids? Then, it wasn't raining, so getting out of the house to breathe some fresh air was on the agenda. Libby wasn't having ANY of a Saturday without playing with her buddy Kyle, so he went with us. It was so great. Other than pushing Peyton on the swing, the girls pretty much ran after Kyle all by themselves. We even sat on the park bench and just watched them play. I don't know when they grew into that. Over the winter, I guess. It helped to have Kyle along. They were much more interested in playing with him, than with us.

This is Peyton's signature look at the very moment she realizes we're watching. I think it's actually an attempt to look inconspicuous, or even invisible. Cracks us up every time.

Pure Joy

The Three Musketeers

Navigating a new climb.

"Look! I made it!"

Scaring Momma.

The best kind of worn out.

After the park, all three kids had some ice cream and spent another hour and a half on the trampoline. We went to Red Robin for dinner and Peyton fell asleep in the car about one minute out of the driveway. She slept through dinner and woke just as we got the bill. THAT'S a good day.

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