Monday, March 28, 2011

Boy Trouble

This morning we were awoken by the pitter patter of two littles headed for our bed. Shocking, I know. After a brief snuggle I told the girls I'd rock them in their room before putting them back in their beds. This is the conversation that happened as we rocked....

Libby- "Mom, when it's time to get married, where will I find a boy?"

Me- "Um, well, that's a long time from now. You'll have lots of time to find a boy."

Peyton- "But I didn't seeeee a booooooy!"

Me- "Besides, don't be in any hurry to find a boy. There will be lots of time for that."

Libby- "I want to marry Jamison and Jayden, but they said no."

Me- "Well they're your cousins, so you really can't marry them. But you'll always have them as family."

Libby- "Mom, when I get married I just want to stay with you."

Me- "Me too babe. Me too."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Break

This picture was actually taken the week before Spring Break, but it's indicative of how we've spent the week. Lots of down time. Lots of going nowhere and doing nothing. It's been so great. In fact, I sat at a green light for awhile last week before the car behind me finally honked to tell me to get moving. Oops. My mind has been a little on vacation too.

Our little daredevil rides this rocker like a rodeo clown. On this night we were sure it was finally going to go over. It didn't, but it's just a matter of time. Not if, but when.

What better way to begin vacation that to make a bed and pretend to sleep on the kitchen table?


Island racing....

This was Jayden's bed in the living room, but after they left Peyton crashed on it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Four Legged

About a month ago I was searching Craigslist and came across a toddler bed that is identical to the one Libby has. I called the guy who listed it to make sure it originally came from Toys R Us, and then I bought it. I intend to slipcover it and put Peyton's name on the headboard like I did with Libby's. I just need to find the time to do it. This week hasn't been the time for projects. I'm having too much fun just being home with the girls. Today we painted at the kitchen table and played at open gym at gymnastics.
Grunden likes her new bed too. At the moment the girls' beds are pushed together. They've been that way since the leprechaun scare. Though, a minute ago Libby came out of her room crying to tell me that the she'd made up a silly word and Peyton told her it wasn't funny. It might be time to move their beds apart again.

Grunny and Komen went barking to the front window to make sure any new arrivals know who's in charge of security around here. Peyton joined them and then looked as if to say, "Hey guys. What'r we lookin' at?"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wiley Stinkin' Leprechauns

Last Wednesday, my friend Tracy called to say she had all the pieces for a leprechaun trap that she was going to build with the girls and she'd drop it off if I was going to be home. I was, and she did. The girls were so excited. They couldn't wait to build it. Getting them settled to eat dinner was a bit of a challenge, but once dinner was over we sat down to build the trap. It probably took us 45 minutes, which gave us all kinds of time to talk about St. Patrick's Day, the Irish, and what, exactly, leprechauns are. The girls were mesmerized by the whole idea of tiny mischievious men who are driven by the pursuit of gold and who don't follow rules. Trapping one was all we talked about all night.

Then, it was bedtime.

Hello? Have you met my kids? Have I? What was I thinking getting so involved in telling leprechaun stories that I even googled pictures of the little terrors to show them to my children before tucking them into bed? When I told Peyton to run down the hallway to put her clothes in the laundry bin, I think she imagined one of the little cobblers was swinging his awl at her ankles on the way back to her room. I've never heard her scream quite like that, and to be honest, I had to stifle my laughter. I'd even taken precautions to put the leprechaun trap in the garage while I said things like, "Of course we'll put the trap in the garage. Leprechauns are woodland creatures. They'd never come inside a house." Then, when my kids stared back at me in horror at the words "woodland creatures" I tried to console them by saying things like, "Y'know, woodland creatures. Like squirrels and chipmunks and other cute and cuddly and not-so-scary things that live in the woods." All the while I couldn't stop laughing and with each attempt at trying to explain and console, I just dug the hole of terror deeper and deeper. I might as well have told them I'd be putting snakes under their covers just as soon as they'd fall asleep.

Anyway, they did eventually go to sleep, but I think Peyton was in our bed for most of the night. Then, in the morning before school, they went into the garage to see if we had caught one. As it turned out we did get one, but he somehow managed to get out of the trap. They are clever little cobblers, you know. He did leave traces of leprechaun dust up our walkway and into the garage. And he left treats of gold (chocolate) coins under pipe cleaner rainbows (thank you Tracy!)

Libby took the trap to school with her and my mom said she was excited to tell her friends how we'd caught a leprechaun, but that he'd gotten away. Oh, and the girls were in their swimsuits, because all of this went down in the middle of a "swim party" they were having. Just another typical night at home....
The trap.

Set safely in the garage.

Setting up the bait.

The little guy is supposed to climb ladder, reach for the gold and then the top of the hat (only a piece of felt) collapses and he falls in. Worked like a charm. A lucky charm.

On Wednesday, Shane and the girls made a St. Patty's Day cake. Green, of course. We'll get the little guy next year....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nobody's Perfect

I kinda had high hopes that my girls would always be best friends, be kind and loving toward each other and always watch out for one another.


As it turns out, they have flaws just like every other human on the planet, and often if they're in a sour mood, they'll go looking for, and then direct their attack at each other. They tattle, blame and generally snit at each other. And if they're hungry or tired, look out. In fact, after Peyton inhaled a piece of pizza I offered her a mini bag of M&Ms in hopes that a shot of sugar will help the mood she's been spewing since she woke from her nap an hour ago. Things are looking better....

To give you an idea of what that mood was like, I sat down and rocked Peyton while she screamed and writhed around on my lap. Finally, I set her down and walked away. When she calmed down (and after she'd eaten) I asked if she wanted to sit with me again. She did. Then through tears and hiccups she said, "Mom, Libby gave me her hiccups!" Followed by more tears. Sigh.

This too shall pass. This too shall pass. This too shall pass.....

....and for those of you who knew me as a kid, I can hear you. It's not funny. Seriously. Stop laughing. Whatever.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Unexpected Solitude

I had a professional development day on Friday. We had writing training all day, and then I was going to drive to Bend after. Was. Shane and the girls had gone to Bend on Thursday so he could snowboard on Friday. Thursday after school I ran around town kid-free. I went to the mall, grabbed a burger at Dickie Joe's, filled my car with gas and just before I made it home my car quit running right in the middle of me driving it. It was the weirdest thing. Nelson suspected my fuel pump was the culprit.

On Friday I rode my bike to work. At about noon I realized driving myself to Bend wasn't going to happen, but I'd also loved a quiet night on Thursday, so Friday night was like an added bonus. I'd laid on the couch, snuggled with Grunny and recharged. Today, I worked on a project for school and spent some time cleaning out toys (and the candy bowl); things I can't do in front of the girls.

In the name of seeing the glass half full here's what happened in the wake of me being stuck at home..... The minute my car died (on a quiet street by our house, not on the bridge on Beltline) Devin drove passed me, u-turned and kept me company while I waited for Nelson. Nelson came to my rescue despite that I called in the middle of the Duck game and he and Devin towed my car home. Then, he offered me a car to drive. When I got to school yesterday both Suzy and Amber told me I should've called and they'd have come to get me. Uncle Bones called today to see if I needed to go anywhere. Toby and Melissa handed me the keys to the car they weren't using today. Antone brought over a gas can, since tomorrow my tank will have to be drained. Do I have the best friends, or what? And though I was over the moon to see my family tonight, two full days of a quiet house and no duties whatsoever was a nice little vacation. I haven't done that in a long time. I'm looking forward to a little noise around here tomorrow....

P.S. I asked Peyton tonight what she wants to be for Halloween. "A fishing guide. Or a turtle."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Tonight we went to the mall to run our girls. You heard me. You gotta do what you gotta do. They need running. Then, we stopped in at a happy hour for some appetizers. On the way home Libby says, "Daddy, tomorrow are we gonna have the best day?"
"Are we gonna have the best day tomorrow? Yeah, I think it'll be a good day."
"Are me and you gonna be together?
"Yep. We'll be together all day."

Thank God for Daddy's girls.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cabin Fever, and Other Nasty Viruses.....

We were supposed to go to Bend this weekend. Our good friends are due in the coming weeks with baby boy number two, and the plan was to celebrate his impending arrival with them this weekend. It wasn't meant to be. Both girls, in the last two weeks, have had duel ear infections, I've had who knows what, that clogged my head, changed my voice and now has me coughing. My mom had it to. Guess who gave it to her? Ugh. The girls' pediatrician said the cure is for school to end, the weather to change, and for all of us to stop breathing all over each other. That doesn't bode well for this family over the next few months. We have lots of people to breathe on before school is out. Here's hoping for a healthier spring.....

Anyway, Shane, God bless him, let me sleep in till eleven yesterday morning. Something I haven't done since...... before kids? Then, it wasn't raining, so getting out of the house to breathe some fresh air was on the agenda. Libby wasn't having ANY of a Saturday without playing with her buddy Kyle, so he went with us. It was so great. Other than pushing Peyton on the swing, the girls pretty much ran after Kyle all by themselves. We even sat on the park bench and just watched them play. I don't know when they grew into that. Over the winter, I guess. It helped to have Kyle along. They were much more interested in playing with him, than with us.

This is Peyton's signature look at the very moment she realizes we're watching. I think it's actually an attempt to look inconspicuous, or even invisible. Cracks us up every time.

Pure Joy

The Three Musketeers

Navigating a new climb.

"Look! I made it!"

Scaring Momma.

The best kind of worn out.

After the park, all three kids had some ice cream and spent another hour and a half on the trampoline. We went to Red Robin for dinner and Peyton fell asleep in the car about one minute out of the driveway. She slept through dinner and woke just as we got the bill. THAT'S a good day.

One Fish, Two Fish....

I shouldn't even admit the (lack of) frequency with which my kids get a bath. So when they finally get one, I let them soak for awhile....

One Fish,

Two Fish,
(Red Fish,
Blue Fish.)
Happy Birthday, this week, Dr. Seuss.
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