Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Truth About Your Father....

Dear Libby and Peyton,

Today is Father's Day, and I think it's time you knew the truth about the man you call your Dad. He is the man in your lives; the man in mine. He is undeniably head over heels in love with the two of you; the three of us. Four, including Grunden. We are at the top of his list.

I met your dad when I was 14. I knew who he was before that, but didn't meet him until we were in Spanish class together our freshman year of high school. He claims he would've asked me out then, but he was busy dating my friends. I would've said yes. He was everyone's friend. He was outgoing, goofy, smart, playful and very sensitive about his ears. That sensitivity has (thankfully) diminished over the years. He was a skater, snowboarder, student, athlete, artist and had the best handwriting of anyone I knew, girls included.

Your dad is (for this generation) pretty old fashioned. He thinks a man's word should be good and a hand shake should seal the deal. He believes in manners, respect and looking someone in the eye when you're talking to them. He believes in his right to own guns and that you should never point one at another person. Not even if it's a toy. He has no time for bull. From any of us. You'll never have to guess his political stance. He already told you. Yesterday. He's strong-willed, and if he's made up his mind, good luck to you if you want to change it. You'll have to be very persuasive. Even then he's going to see right through you. Be prepared when he calls you on it.

Your dad's a very hard worker and will likely expect a strong work ethic from the two of you. From the age of twelve he worked summers on a ranch to earn his own money. He works tirelessly to provide for our family and never complains about working a 15-hour-day on four hours of sleep, even when others have assumed being a fishing guide must be a pretty cushy job. When you work hard and have achievements of your own he will be over the moon with pride for you. I know because he thanks me daily for the hard work I do as a mom, and a teacher. He's been my biggest fan and loudest cheerleader. He supports my ideas, and thanks me often for supporting his.

Your dad's a great fishing guide. He claims not to be the best fisherman, but I think he has good business sense and his customers have been coming back now for 13 years. That's something. Many of his customers are now close family friends. He can't wait to make little outdoorsmen out of you. Hunting, fishing, snowboarding, mountain biking, camping.... try it all with your dad. I think you're going to love it. Nothing makes him happier than watching the two of you experience life. Indulge him with the things he wants to see you do.

Over the years your dad will undoubtedly take a firm tone with you. When he gives a reprimand I've already seen the two of you snap to attention. He means it. But, you've also already realized that his bark is worse than his bite, and that underneath it all he's a teddy bear. In three and a half years you've already managed to make him laugh when he was trying to be authoritative. You've made him cry with your sweet words while holding his scruffy face between your hands. I often wonder what your teen years will be like. Go easy on him when you get there. Realize at ages two and three, your teenage years are already hard on him. Letting go of you in any capacity will never come easily.

The man we love will be authoritative and unbending one minute and dancing in his boxer briefs the next. He is without regard for the neighbors who might be watching. He is unapologetic for his antics and, come to think of it, your teenage years might be harder on you.

You should know too that being a Groshong is something your dad is very proud of. He is only prouder that the two of you are Groshongs. I have the basic idea of what that means in my mind, but it's not for me to explain, anyway. That's between you and your dad.

It's because of the two of you that he holds this title Dad and we celebrate him today. Before, he was son, brother, nephew, grandson, cousin, friend, and husband. But he was never a Dad until you two showed up. You are the two perfect people to complete our family and your dad knows it. We thank God every night for the blessings He gave us in you. Your dad never wanted anything more and never imagined loving a role so much.


Happy Father's Day, Darlin'.
We love you to the moon....

....and back.


Julane said...

Ridiculously good stuff.

Stacy said...

Crap.... that was good!

Lindy said...

Beans- U are amazin with words and the way you write. Wow.. I was crying and laughing. Your girls are going to love reading that one day. Love ya, Lou

rachel said...

Geez, Jenny. That gave me tears. FABULOUS.

Anonymous said...

Jenny - Amy shared this with me and I now have tears in my eyes. Wish you guys were coming to the wedding but... I too am really proud to be a Groshong, even though sometimes that is just craziness. I love you guys - Gabi

Mark Weber said...

Such a cool read - thanks for the insight Jenny!

My enduring memory of Shane is seeing him in the crowd at the Bend High basketball legs, wearing a Viking helmet and screaming "Use your legs!" whenever any of the Lava Bears were shooting free throws :)

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