Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Best Buddies

There was a time when our dogs were our only babies. First Bruiser and then Grunden. Looking back even now, I'd say losing our Bruiser was one of the sharpest pains I've experienced in my life. Including childbirth. I'd do labor ten more times if it meant a lifetime (my lifetime) with Grunny. That's the problem with loving a dog. Their years are just not long enough, and there's no epidural to numb a loss like that. We so love our boy, and Peyton loves him too.

I was only going to include the last two pictures, but as I scrolled through photos from this month I found LOTS of pictures of Peyton with her boy. Two peas in a pod. There's a reason we call them man's best friend. Or in our case, little girl's best friend. She feeds him almost every meal, calls him, "Nuuuuuuunneeeeey.....", and tells him, "good boy!" Their bond is a strong one....

Uh....hello? You gonna eat all of that?
Waking slowly from a nap.... This one's my favorite.

Life's better with your best friend.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love this post.

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