Friday, December 4, 2009

Our Girl is Three!

We've had a busy week and I've got a million (okay, not a million) pictures that'll have to wait. Here are some highlights from Libby's big birthday. Where did three years go?

We started with pancakes, whipped cream, sprinkles and a song. It was the song that did her in. We promised not to sing and she stopped crying. Incidentally, our pediatrician asked me this week at Libby's three year check up if there were any things I was concerned about. "Yes", I answered. "Mood swings."
"You lookin' at me? Don't mess." Peyton loves her dad.
Tearing into some gifts from Uncle Kevin and Aunt Susan...
Late morning fun.... just because we can.
On Wednesday we headed to Bend for the weekend. Julane and the boys had spent time decorating to throw Libby a fun birthday party. What did Libby do first when she walked in and saw the decorations? She cried. Sigh.

My party girl.
Jayden took the time to make the wrapping paper. What a thoughtful cousin!
Peyton takes on Jayden.

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