Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bye Bye Binky

Every once in a while something big will happen in our family and I'll respond by writing a letter to the girls that they can read when they get older. I wrote this to Libby last night after having serious remorse about..... well, read ahead and you'll see. Then, read to the bottom of the post and you'll see how Libby responded.....

Dear Libby,

I just snipped the tip off of your only remaining binky. After I did it, I almost cried because I tried to suck on it, and the suction is all gone. It won’t work anymore. I know this will be so hard for you. You love that binky, and have for a really long time. I know we have to get rid of it. It won’t serve to comfort you without actually doing damage, so as responsible parents wanting the best for you, we can’t continue to let you have it. Still, as I sit here listening to bath time squeals between you, Peyton and Daddy I’m afraid that in 40 minutes, at bedtime, you may be about to face the toughest moment in your three years of life. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, because this will only be the first of many tough moments, and I want to shelter you from all of them. Even as I know it will serve you better to prepare you than to shelter you at this moment, I want to take it back. Repair the binky. Go get one of the two I’ve hidden in the dresser after we told you the Binky Fairy came and got them. Instead, I’m sure you’re going to cry and I’ll cry along with you. For your lifetime and mine, I’ll cry along with you. To Dad and I you’re the most incredible three year old on the planet. We’ll get through this one together and all those trials that’ll come your way after this one. I love you.

Love, Mom

After the anguish over what I'd done, Shane and I watched her like a hawk at bedtime. First, she searched among her blankets for her binky. Then, she asked where it was. I got it off of the shelf it was on and handed it to her. She put it in her mouth like every other night night and went to bed. Talk about anticlimactic. All of that anguish for nothing. I'll be snipping off a tiny bit each day. Bye bye binky.......


carneyclan said...

You are the MOST amazing mom! I am proud of you Beans for being so good to your girls and your letter was so kind. L & P are so lucky to have you as parents. You are the BEST. Love, mo

Lindy said...

Beans- I remember the night we took Lola's binky away. Your letter made my tummy turn as it brought back so many memories of the day we did it. It is so so hard but you will be amazed how fast she forgets about it. Love you, Lou

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