Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Like a Dog

This morning I had my face fixed on the screen of my computer reading a new blog that was interesting to me.  Libby walked up behind me and said, "Mom, do you want to play with me?" Not five minutes earlier I'd been watching the girls play together.  Sorting through a bin of blocks looking for the right one.  And as I watched them I noted to myself how fortunate we've been. I'm talking about enjoying time to be home together and avoiding the morning rush for the first years of their lives.  We owe so much gratitude to Shane for working so hard so I haven't had to.  His hard work will pay off for their lifetimes.  I know it's not for everyone.  It's definitely been for us.  There are moments that occur naturally in the mornings when we're still in our pajamas, eating breakfast, playing with toys left out the night before.  Today was a moment.  

I turned around and picked her up.  I said, "Yes, I want to play with you. But first I want to give you a squeeze."  I meant of course, that I wanted to freeze this moment.  We have nowhere to be.  I have nobody to answer to.  Nobody besides the two of you need me this morning.  Let's breathe that in for just a moment because a year from now I'll be standing in front of a classroom full of students who are not my babies.  I'll have to leave the two of you to get to them.  But today, that's not the case.  I buried my face in her hair and inhaled.  And then, came her reply..... "Mom, you're like a dog."  I cracked up.  I knew she meant I'd sniffed her the same way Grunden does with his wet nose.  She usually hates when he does that.  But, I prefer to think of that statement in broader terms.  I'm loyal, faithful and protective.  I live in the moment and love my girls without condition. There's a reason we call them man's best friend.  I hope I'll always be their dog.  What a compliment.


Unknown said...

You hit the nail on the head, Jenny. Making every moment count is so important.

rachel said...

you're such a good mama and those little girlies are SO DANG lucky to have you.
i was checking in on little mister tonight after he was sound asleep and i got tears... life is just so good with these little angels in our care.
thanks for a great post!

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