Sunday, October 11, 2009


I love October days. I love the cold mornings and the yellow leaves that fall on River Road. I love that the afternoons are still warm enough to play at the park with just a sweatshirt on. We've been hitting the parks a lot lately. We're trying to get in all of our outdoor fun before it's too cold. Libby has started "Twinkle Toes" dance class with her friend Emma and loves it. I think what she loves most is that she has a teacher. She loves pointing out school buses, and talking about when she's big enough to chew gum and go to kindergarten. Being in class seems to suit her well. I can't wait until I can post some dance pictures, but it'll have to wait until she has a recital at the end of the month. I'm not allowed in class as I'd be a distraction, so it's a bit of a guess as to what goes on in there. That's true of all the parents, not just me. We're looking forward to Halloween, and maybe even trick-or-treating for the first time this year.

Here's a look at the last few weeks....

Peyton never passes on an opportunity to try on some shoes. She might turn out to be a little shopper.

Chicken noodle soup....

We went to Toys R Us to get a bubble machine. Yep, lazy me is DONE blowing bubbles. I can never make them fast enough and get dizzy trying. So we bought battery operated blower. I love the thing. Anyway, while we were there Candyland was five bucks, so I got Libby her first board game. I bet she sat here for two hours "playing" the game. She plays by her own rules, but anything that hold her attention for that long and I'm sold. I might even buy her a Barbie doll next.
Shane's been hunting in Eastern Oregon. He's on his way home as I write this. Nelson let him take his quad, but not before the girls had their own fun on it.
Shane's on his phone, so the girls are too. You can tell by his daughters that he's often on his phone.
This was the best. We came out of Target to a rainstorm, but even with the rain falling there was this gorgeous rainbow. Probably a first for both girls. Libby shouted, "Mom! It's a rainbow! It has yellow! That's my best color!" With so much excitement I had to get a picture.
I snuck in with my camera to get this shot of Libby so we have proof of her binky addiction. We've been trying to warm her up to the idea of giving the "binks" to the Binky Fairy when she turns three. I can assure you, she is NOT a fan of the idea. We've told her that we think the Binky Fairy will deliver her beloved binky to Amy Anderson, a dear friend of ours who's due in February with a baby girl. Libby likes the idea of sharing, but just not if it means giving up what's hers. We'll see...
Peyton loves to be where Libby is. Both girls have their own chair, but the minute we unbuckle her, Peyton slides into the spot right next to Libby. Sometimes Libby is receptive. Other times, she wants Peyton to scram. The other day I caught a sweet moment before Libby gave her the boot.
On Friday night we had pizza with our good friends Dave and Becky (Bebo) Bones. They've just moved into a new house, and the girls have lots of room to roam. Peyton was fascinated with the shape of their new dining chairs. They make for a great game of peek-a-boo, but she also got herself in a bit of trouble....

Becky isn't neglecting to help. I jumped up to rescue her, but grabbed my camera for the shot first. This isn't the first time I've taken the picture before the rescue. It probably won't be the last.
Libby celebrates an exciting third quarter of the Duck game on Saturday. Go Ducks!
dog pile!
There is nothing like squeaky clean babies, wrinkled and fresh out of the tub....

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