Friday, August 14, 2009

Summertime Girls

Summer is such a busy time, but definitely among my favorites.  As I'm sitting here counting down about how many weekends are left of summer Libby and Peyton are in their room for naps. Peyton's sound asleep and I can hear Libby in her general Annie fashion singing, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow.  You're only a daaaaay aaaaaawaaaaaaay!"  And if I know my girl- she'll finish the song with both arms skyward even if she is singing for an audience of zero from her own bed.  What a ham.  The other day I got up with both girls and Shane slept in.  After taking off Libby's diaper and having her use the potty, I didn't have time to put big girl underwear on her, so I just pulled up her pajama bottoms and told her we'd find some underwear later.  A little while later Shane got up and as he came into the kitchen Libby said, "Hi daddy.  I'm going commando."  That's our girl.  She's starting to retain EVERYTHING we say, and we're needing to be very careful about how we phrase things.  She loves silliness and tells me often that Peyton is such a little monkey.  She knows when her birthday is and loves to talk about having a party. 

It's been a great summer.  At night after the girls are in bed, we'll look at each other and say, "Can you believe those two? They're ours."  It's sometimes so hard to believe.  It's been fun to see Peyton (who's walking, and on the verge of running) respond to her sister.  Both girls love to laugh, and they've really become great friends this summer.  I hope they'll be best friends throughout life.  When I ask Libby who her BFF is she'll usually say daddy.  Sometimes Peytie. At night she wants me to put her down in her bed and check on her often.  Something I relish now, because I fear one day she might have a sign on her door that says, "Libby's room.  Keep out."  For now we're enjoying every minute and still it's going way too fast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've hit the nail on the head Jenny. Time flies and we should relish every moment of them wanting to be with us while it lasts. Maja claims she wants to live next door to us when she grows up...I want to make her put it in writing, but I don't think it'll hold water legally.

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