Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grammy Pearl

On Monday morning I loaded up the girls for a trip over the mountains to my mom's house. We were looking forward to seeing Grammy Jane and Grammy Pearl who we hadn't seen in quite a while. At about the same time we pulled out of the driveway at our house Grammy Pearl slid out of bed at her house and missed. She landed on the floor on her left side and fractured her hip. Luckily, it's not a huge break. It's a small fracture in her femur that's still lined up fairly well. Still, at 99, any break is not a good one. We've decided that surgery isn't a great option (for obvious reasons) and tonight she's still in the hospital. We're taking things day by day.

Grammy has her good moments and not-so-good moments. At times she's a very cooperative patient, and other times.....not so much. Still, the girls help to lighten the mood with her, and they can even bring a little clarity to her when she's confused about what's going on. Sigh.

On a lighter note... Peyton is laughing more and more. Libby is swinging on a big girl's swing and holding on to the rope all by herself. She is so proud. Shane is home tonight and misses us, but had a good conversation with Libby over the phone.

So, include Grammy and our family in your prayers tonight and we'll hope tomorrow is a good day. :)

1 comment:

rachel said...

Oh Jenny. I'm sorry to hear about your Grammy. If she's anything like you, she'll keep a positive and light attitude about the whole thing and pop right back to normal soon!
I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers for sure.

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