Friday, September 19, 2008


We'll, It's been quite a week. Both Libby and Peyton are sick now, but a little Tylenol has worked wonders and I think it could be a lot worse. So, I'm still counting my blessings and there are many.

For example, both girls have taken serious naps today which meant I got one too. This, after a hysterical call to Shane at 11:30 last night because nobody was sleeping and everyone was crying.

Then, I went to Jo Ann Fabrics today and the clerk who cut my fabric said to me....get ready for this....she looked at Libby and Peyton and said, "Are you their mom, or are you their grandma?"

In my head I said, "What? Could I possibly have heard you correctly? Someone get me a Q-tip, because I think you just asked me if I'm their GRANDMA!" But what I actually said was, "I'm their mom."

"Oh." she said, "I hope I didn't offend you. It's just that we get a lot of young looking grandmas who come in here." (sure)

"No, lady. I'm not offended. Now give me my receipt so I can to home and put on a whole bottle of moisturizer."

So TGIF. I've never been so happy that it's Friday. Though I'm not currently working, Friday just feels like an end. An end to runny noses. An end to thoughtless remarks. An end to crying. A good wrapping up of sorts and this is a good week to wrap up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a fresh beginning and I'd like to think we'll kick off the new beginning with a Duck win. Go Ducks!


Anna I. said...

My sister-in-law goes out of her way to go to the Jo-Ann's in Springfield. She says that the ladies that work in the Eugene one are mean...I think you can attest to that!!! Hope your weekend is easier!!

rachel said...

My jaw was dropped to the floor the whole time I read that. Shame on her. You look AWESOME!!!!!

Luisa said...

I love your writing!
Take care,

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