Saturday, April 21, 2012

Warning: Self Indulgent Rant Ahead

You know that scene from Sixteen Candles? The one where Molly Ringwald's character comes home from school to find two sets of grandparents occupying her and her brother's bedrooms? And when she asks how they're doing, she gets a long rant about all of their medical problems and then her grandmother feels her up? Well, that's what's about to happen here, though I promise to keep my hands to myself. If you're not interested in grandpa's hernia you might just forgo reading this post.....

What do you blog about when the blog has sat dormant for more than two weeks? There are pictures to post from Easter and few days of glorious sunshine. The girls have gone horseback riding. Grandparents have come and gone. The Dovers got a new puppy. Bebo got her hair back, but then suffered the loss of her mom and their beloved lab Buddy, which makes hair seem so insignificant. I think of sitting down to write and since there's too much to write, and it's all so overwhelming, I just look for a distraction instead.

At the moment the girls are loving a quiet morning at home to play, by themselves and sometimes with each other. They love to play school, house, babies, puzzles, draw, color and every once in awhile one of them will dogpile Grunny and talk sweetly to him. They have a new fascination with science (thank you Pinterest) and have asked what kind of science experiment we can try this morning.

I've ignored my blog lately mostly because I've spent the last few weeks trying to catch my breath. Literally. A week ago I was diagnosed with asthma. This was a welcome diagnosis, not because I want to have asthma, but I've been trying to figure out forever why I am sick all the time. I'm not sooooooo sick. But when I'm sick, I'm sick for soooooo long. In this case, with the exception of one glorious week on steroids, I've been sick with colds, sinus infections and breathing issues, Conjunctivitis (that's Pink Eye for you non-medical peeps) and a nasty cough since January. January. JANUARY. I can actually pinpoint the day. I was at a math conference and my nose swelled shut. It's been downhill since.

Anyway, I insisted on another round of allergy testing even though my allergist said, "I don't think you're allergic to anything, but I'll test you again if it'll make you happy." I said, "Yes, it'll make me happy." Then, and this is why I like my allergist, when I wasn't allergic to anything again, he never said, "I told you so." Instead, he said said, "Okay, let's try something else." That something else turned up asthma. Which, I guess, explains why over Spring Break in Bend I ended up at Immediate Care breathing through a nebulizer. I was sure it was an allergy to juniper. And why a week later, I was back at Urgent Care in Bend for antibiotics. Antibiotics that cleared up my red puffy eyes, but didn't touch my cough.

So, maybe, maybe I'm finally on to something. Here's hopin'....

On another note, in an effort to do away with things that aren't working in my life, I chopped my hair off this week. I didn't, but Corey did. I was looking for an easier do, inspired by some celebrities that make looking good look effortless (curse you Halle Berry). The bad news.... it's not any easier. The good news..... It dries faster, I like it, it's not any harder, and one of my students told me I look ten years younger. I hugged her and told her she's my favorite. So there you go. I'll take it.

Next up.... things that have nothing to do with my health. Promise.

1 comment:

Hurls said...

Sorry to hear about your asthma... but DANG! Girl, you look HOT! Love the new 'do! xoxo

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